Exercise 15: Activities 1, figure 15.2, figure 15.4 p. 181 Nervous System: Cranial Nerves, Nervous System: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Exercise 14: Activity 4, figure 14.6, table 14.1 p.168 Dissect Sheep Brain p. 169 Exercise 15: Activities 1, figure 15.2, figure 15.4 p. 181
Objectives Describe the names and general functions of all 12 cranial nerves Identify brain structures on the dissected sheep brain Identify the principal structures of the spinal cord and nerve roots on a model Identify and locate the three meninges of the spinal cord in illustrations Begin discussion of eye for Lab 13
Terms to Know Cranial Nerves I-XII Meninges – dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater Anterior (ventral) horn Central canal Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal root of spinal nerve Lateral horn Posterior (dorsal) horn Spinal nerve Ventral ramus of spinal nerve Ventral root of spinal nerve White matter
The Cranial Nerves Table 14.1 page 168 I Olfactory smell II Optic vision III Oculomotor eye and lid movement, pupil, lens IV Trochlear superior oblique muscle, eye movement V Trigeminal sensory, motor to face, chewing VI Abducens lateral rectus muscle of eye VII Facial facial expression, taste VIII Vestibulcochlear hearing and equilibrium IX Glossopharyngeal taste, pharynx X Vagus mixed, abdominal viscera, heart XI Accessory mixed, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius XII Hypoglossal mixed, tongue movement
Mnemonic: “On occasion our trusty truck acts funny-very good vehicle anyhow” Mnemonic: “On old Olympus tiny tops a friendly Viking grew vines and hops”
Exercise 14, Act. 4 Dissect Brain p. 169
Mammilary body
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Exercise 15 page 181 Spinal Cord extends from foramen magnum to L2 Meninges cushion and protect spinal cord dura mater-tough outer covering arachnoid mater-delicate middle layer, cerebrospinal fluid is found in subarachnoid space pia mater-inner layer that clings to spinal cord 31 pairs of spinal nerves emerge from spinal cord to serve the body Cauda equina is collection of spinal nerves at the inferior end of spinal cord
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Exercise 15 page 181 Gray matter-H shaped unmyelinated cell bodies and fibers in spinal cord Dorsal (Posterior) horns-posterior projections of gray matter Ventral (anterior) horns-anterior projections of gray matter Lateral horns-lateral gray matter projections in thoracic and lumbuar regions of the spinal cord Central canal-contains cerebrospinal fluid
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Exercise 15 page 181 Dorsal root-contains sensory neuron and interneurons fibers enter the spinal cord Dorsal root ganglion-enlarged area of dorsal root that contains cell bodies of sensory neurons Ventral root-contains axons of motor neurons of somatic nervous system Spinal nerve forms from a fusion of dorsal and ventral roots White matter-tracts of myelinated fibers running up and down the spinal cord (posterior, lateral, and anterior columns or funiculi) that are either ascending sensory tracts or descending motor tracts
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Exercise 15 page 181 Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve-small branch of spinal nerve that serves the skin and muscles of the posterior body trunk Ventral ramus of spinal nerve-bigger branch of the spinal nerve that serves the skin an muscles of the anterior and lateral trunk Plexuses-network of nerves that serve the limbs
For Review Complete pages 178-179 #11-14 Complete pages 189-190 #1-3, 6-7