Anticipating and Following Technological Trends


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Presentation transcript:

Anticipating and Following Technological Trends in eBusiness Data Exchanges 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Content This presentation will provide you information on: UN/CEFACT Reference Data Models (Semantic Models) Opportunities for standardisation organisations to utilize the new UN/CEFACT concept 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

UN/CEFACT Reference Data Model: An exchange syntax neutral semantic model A subset of the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (CCL) A rich collection of business artefacts contextualized for a domain The business artefacts can be contextualized on different semantic model levels (e.g. library/process/message). A semantic model based on the principles laid down in UN Layout Key, UN Trade Data Element Directory and UN/EDIFACT Based on UN/CEFACT principles of harmonization, standardization and simplification 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

The UN/CEFACT evolution From document centric to process driven artefacts (contextualized business artefacts) Supports document centric & process driven workflows Standardized syntax-neutral data exchange structures, based on a common “Master” data exchange structure (from which complete documents and/or snippets of documents can be created in e.g. UN/CEFACT XML or UN/EDIFACT) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

From document centric to process driven business artefacts Supply Chain process driven artefacts Needed : 123 Supply chain document centric artefacts Needed : 200 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Rationalization results... 40% fewer artefacts needed from the UN/CEFACT library (CCL) to build the same number of business messages Much more understandable artefacts: business short name aliases provided for each attribute double qualified, document centric artefacts no longer needed Much easier to use Simplification by reusing and restricting Minimised redundancy Much easier to maintain 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Benefits of UN/CEFACT semantic models Syntax neutral Trusted semantic models Future-proof Easy to use and implement Easy to maintain Based on internationally accepted standardized & harmonized business entity library Global semantics covering the data requirements of all processes across international supply and transport contracts (BUY-SHIP-PAY domain) Integrated international code lists, using commonly used UNECE Recommended code lists, UN/EDIFACT code lists, ISO code lists etc. 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Benefits of UN/CEFACT semantic models A common basis for implementing from semantics to syntax (XML or EDIFACT) Based on a common “Master” for data exchange structure of the semantic model Supports information sharing such as enabled by data pipelines Efficient reuse of data shared within the BUY-SHIP-PAY domain model 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

The BUY-SHIP-PAY model the international Supply Chain Reference Model Covered by 2 semantic models sharing the same library: - Supply Chain (BUY and PAY) and Multimodal Transport (SHIP) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Building semantic models using a common library UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (CCL) Based on Supply Chain (BUY PAY) Semantic model BUY SHIP PAY Semantic model Multimodal Transport (SHIP) Semantic model Based on Based on Based on Based on Based on BUY SHIP PAY MASTER (Master message structure) e.g. Invoice e.g. Order e.g. Quotation Based on e.g. Bill of Lading e.g. Booking e.g. BayPlan Based on Based on Based on Based on Based on BUY PAY Master (Master message structure) SHIP Master (1) (Master message structure) SHIP Master (2) (Master message structure) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Example: UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice Part of BUY SHIP PAY Semantic model SEMANTIC MODEL Supply Chain (BUY PAY) (subset of CCL) BUY SHIP PAY Part of Supply Chain (BUY PAY) Master message structure Master message structure BUY PAY Invoice message model Syntax-neutral business data exchange structure CEN TC 434 Invoice Syntax XML Invoice schema 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

BUY SHIP PAY master message structure Library CCL Based on B Buy Ship Pay Master BUY SHIP PAY Semantic model master message structure See next slide Based on BUY SHIP PAY MASTER (Master message structure) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized library (BUY SHIP PAY semantic model) Library subset/restrictions Based on COMPLETE LIBRARY UN/CEFACT CCL 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized library (created semantic models) Based on Supply Chain Semantic model Library subset/restrictions Multimodal Transport Semantic model Library subset/restrictions BUY SHIP PAY Semantic model 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized artefacts (of the semantic models) Based on Supply Chain Semantic model Trade Price subset/restriction Multimodal Transport Semantic model Trade Price subset/restriction SEMANTIC MODEL TRADE PRICE 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized master message structures (of the semantic models) Using Supply Chain semantic model Supply Chain BUY PAY master message structure Using Multimodal Transport semantic model Multmodal Transport SHIP master message structure BUY PAY Master BUY PAY Master SHIP Master subset/restriction 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized messages structures Supply Chain BUY PAY master message structure 1:1 1:1 Quotation 1:1 Order 1:1 Trade Settlement Payment Trade Settlement Payment 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 Invoice 1:1 Remittance Advice 1:1 1:1 Trade Settlement Payment Trade Settlement Payment 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 0:1 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized artefacts (on message level) Supply Chain Semantic model Order Message Supply Chain Semantic model Despatch Advice Message 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized schemas (smaller library & data types) Invoice: document centric version Invoice: version based on semantic model 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Contextualized artefacts (schema example) Despatch Advice Order Same business artefact is more detailed in the despatch advice 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Proposed methods of publication PDF Business Artefacts Formats Published by UN/CEFACT XLS HTML ZIP Other Tools 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017 21

Proposed methods of publication: PDF Business Term Semantic Links Common Term Short name 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017 22

Proposed method of publication: Excel Business Term Semantic Links Common Term Short name 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Proposed method of publication: HTML Short name 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Business messages UPDATED VERSION IN PUBLIC REVIEW UNTIL 28/09 PUBLISHED IN PUBLIC REVIEW UNTIL 28/09 1. Catalogue 2. Despatch Advice 3. Invoice 4. Order 5. Order Change 6. Order Response 7. Quotation Proposal 8. Quotation Proposal Request 9. Quotation Request 10. Quotation Request Response 11. Remittance Advice 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Possible new developments using the new UN/CEFACT concept 12. Receiving Advice 13. Consumption Report 14. Demand Forecast 15. Demand Forecast Response 16. Inventory Forecast 17. Supply Instruction 18. Supply Notification 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Reusing UN/CEFACT semantic models Facilitates profiling for standardisation organisations Create UN/CEFACT conformant semantic models using published UN/CEFACT semantic models subsetting business message by restricting artefacts Create UN/CEFACT conformant XML schemas using published UN/CEFACT schemas Reflecting only the subset of the UN/CEFACT semantic model Creating profile packages Semantic models using different publishing formats UN/CEFACT XML schema Concept of UN/CEFACT semantic models already available in tool(s) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Maintenance of UN/CEFACT XML profiles UN/CEFACT XML profiles using the concept of syntax neutral semantic models (of other standards setting bodies) Understandable business artefacts No double qualifiers Ordinary business terms used (short names) Process driven Reused artefacts, throughout the complete supply chain process Consistancy Harmonized Future proof artefacts Consistent use in different business domains Supply chain management Transport Etc... UN/XML Schemas using latest published UN/CEFACT XML schemas (of other standards setting bodies) Contextualized schemas No redundancy XSD represents only and exactly the business data requirements XML payload much more slim (light weight schemas) 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Proposed publishing of UN/CEFACT XML profiles UN/CEFACT semantic models in publishing formats already available in tool(s) PDF MS Excel HTML Machine-to-machine format, in development PDF Business Artefacts Formats Published by UN/CEFACT XLS HTML ZIP Other Tools Any of the formats for publishing can be used in other standards organizations UN/CEFACT XML profiles 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017

Thank you for your attention! For further information: UNECE secretariat - Chief, UN/CEFACT Unit : Lance Thompson : email: Supply Chain Management Reference Data Model (SCRDM) - Project Lead : Rolf Wessel : email: - Lead Editor : Gerhard Heemskerk email: Multimodal Transport Data Reference Model (MMT RDM) - Lead Editor : Sue Probert email : 30th UN/CEFACT Forum, Rome, Italy 2-6 October 2017