Basque Country Here is the Basque Country flag. The flag of the Basque Country is made of a white cross and a green oblique cross ,the cross of St. Andrew, on a red background. The white cross represents Catholicism, the red background represents the Basques. The cross of St. Andrew would be the green oak of Guernica, a symbol of courts of Biscay.
Basque country Basque country is situated in France and Spain, and is crossed from East to West by the Pyrenees mountain range.
The Basque Country is situated in the north of Spain
Basque Country Basque Country The Basque Country (Euskal Herria, sometimes Eskual Herria in Basque) is an area that extends west of the Pyrenees, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It covers just over 20 500 km2 inhabited by about 3 million people. The Basque Country (Euskal Herria, sometimes Eskual Herria in Basque) is an area that extends west of the Pyrenees, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It covers just over 20 500 km2 inhabited by about 3 million people.
Basque Country The Basque Country is divided into three entities: two autonomous communities of Spain, the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (also denoted "País Vasco" in Spanish), composed of the three historical territories of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya's, which is over 70% of the total population, and Navarre, which represents over 50% of the territory, and the French Basque Country .
The Basque Country is divided into three entities: - the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country , composed of the three historical territories of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya's, which is over 70% of the total population - Navarre, which represents over 50% of the territory - the French Basque Country . - the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country , composed of the three historical territories of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya's, which is over 70% of the total population - Navarre, which represents over 50% of the territory - the French Basque Country .
Why do they have an autonomous status? The population fought until 1200 for the unity and independence of the zones that have in common a language. The Basque country speaks a different language and have a different culture from Span . Opinion from students: “we have our own language, dances, sports, literature, culture, traditions and way of thinking. That why we don´t feel Spanish”.
Guernica The Gernika Tree is a symbol of freedom for Basque people. The Bizkaia Man sweared to respect the Fueros under the Gernika Tree. It has got two meanings, one the Basque pride and the freedom, and the other the bombing, in Guernica in 1937. They started thinking to cut down the tree and replace it
12 th of October 12th of October is the Spanish national day, known as “Día de la Hispanity (day of hispanity) , “Día de la Raza” (day of the race) or “Día del Pilar” (day of the Lady of the Pillar). Historically, it remembers with the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America, on the 12th of october 1492. This day is also celebrated in the USA (Columbus Day) and in various Latin American countries (Día de la Raza) . It also coincides with the day of Lady of the Pillar, the Patroness of Spain. Since 2000, October 12th has also been Spain's Day of the Armed Forces, celebrated each year with a military parade in Madrid. On this day it is usually done a gastronomic and cultural fair, they also give touristic information, craftwork, documentaries and traditional music . However, even having a free day at school or work, they don’t usually celebrate this day in the Basque Country. In the last years, there has been a movement against the celebration of this day. Some people are against of celebrating this day because the "discovery" of America in the XV century caused the massacre of lots of people and destroyed different cultures in America. Other people don't want to celebrate it just because they don’t really feel Spanish.
The basque language: Euskara The basque language , euskara is the oldest remaining spoken language in Europe. Basque people are very proud of it.
Basque country Capital : Vitoria Gasteiz The Basque country Capital is Vitoria Gasteiz.
Bilbao: the biggest town With 350 000 inhabitants , Bilbao is the biggest town
Guggenheim museum In Bilbao, is the famous Guggenheim museum
Laudio Here are living our partners, a small town of 20 000 inhabitants surrounded by mountains.
Basque Country climates The climate of the Basque Country is diverse and heavily influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. The coast enjoys the influence of the Gulf Stream, which gives a temperate climate and mild temperatures. The average annual temperature is 13 ° C. The prevailing winds are oriented from west to east and bring regular rainfall in winter. The summers are mild by the ocean. Rainfall is fairly abundant and fall very quickly in the form of thunderstorms which gives a rich, green vegetation in summer. The climate of the Basque Country is diverse and heavily influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. The coast enjoys the influence of the Gulf Stream, which gives a temperate climate and mild temperatures. The average annual temperature is 13 ° C. The prevailing winds are oriented from west to east and bring regular rainfall in winter. The summers are mild by the ocean. Rainfall is fairly abundant and fall very quickly in the form of thunderstorms which gives a rich, green vegetation in summer.
An oceanic climate Bilbao has an oceanic climate, generally mild, with no extreme temperatures. In January the average temperature is 9 ° C, it is 21 ° C in July. Rainfall is about 1200 mm per year, mostly rain, but three days of snow on average each hiver.
Landscapes of the Basque-Country You can see the Atlantic coast.
San Sebastian San Sébastian on the atlantic coast, a very beautiful place.
Tourist attraction. Gastronomy for example: traditionally, a very important part of the culture since having a meal with family/friends are the typical celebration and every meeting takes place around a table full of food. But, recently, a new type of Basque cuisine has appeared; a generation of chefs started experimenting and mixed both traditional dishes and modern cuisine to come up with the “New Basque Cuisine”. This cooking has been awarded with Michelin Stars and other prizes in the recent years; the Basque Country is the place with the highest number Michelin Stars per capita in the world.