Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan in 1979?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the reasons why the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. I can describe the reasons why the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Grade D I can explain the key reasons why the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Grade B I can evaluate the the reasons why the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Grade A
Starter These collection of images of people involved in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. During the presentation, can you identify who is in each of the pictures and write what role they played in the Afghani invasion.
Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan in 1979? History Civil War in Afghanistan Fear of Islam
What was the long term historical background to the USSR invasion of Afghanistan in 1979? Competing empires – By the 1880s, Russia had expanded its empire so it reached the northern borders of Afghanistan. At the same time, Britain had extended its control of India so it reached Afghanistan’s southern border. Both Russia and Britain wanted control of Afghanistan. Failure – Both Russia and Britain had failed to control Afghanistan and were serious rivals in this region. This continued through the First World War, when both sides were allies. Oil – The boom in the oil industry in the Middle East saw the region become a battleground for power from the 1950s. The USSR saw Afghanistan as a potential important ally when a communist revolution took place there in 1978.
Why did the Soviet Union fear the spread of Islam? Revolution in Iran – In 1979, the Shah of Iran was overthrown by a radical Muslim government led by Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran became the world’s first Muslim republic. Khomeini expelled US Embassy staff. Difficult neighbours? – Iran bordered Afghanistan and the part of the USSR which was called Soviet Central Asia. Soviet Central Asia was Muslim and the USSR feared that the events in Iran would spill into the USSR and an Islam revolution could happen within its own borders. Control of Afghanistan – The USSR believed that control of Afghanistan would be a buffer zone and block the spread of radical Islam in its borders.
The Kabul Revolution - 1978 Why? In 1978, the new Afghan leader, Mohammed Taraki, signed an alliance with the USSR. This angered many in Afghanistan. Taraki led an unstable government riven by personal rivalries and the rise of radical Islamic factions who opposed Taraki’s socialist reforms. What? Opposition to Taraki rose in rebellion and civil war broke out in 1978. The Head of the Army, Hafizullah Amin, became Prime Minister in 1978. Amin led a second uprising which led to Taraki’s assassination in October 1979, and Amin seized control of Afghanistan. Significant? Instability in this region led to the US calling it ‘the arc of crisis’ acknowledging its volatile nature. The USSR saw this as an opportunity to seize control of this region – a plan it had for over 100 years.
Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan in December 1979? USSR did not trust Amin – Amin was a Communist but Soviet secret police reported him as an American spy. He also was unpopular and had weak control of his government. An Islamic State? – Brezhnev feared Muslim groups could take over the unstable Afghan government and they, in turn, could influence nearby Soviet republics. Karmal as a potential leader? – Babrak Karmal was a popular communist Afghani politician who argued he could form a government but needed USSR support. USA would do nothing? – Brezhnev felt that the USA would not respond to a Soviet invasion.
The USSR invasion of Afghanistan - 1979 Why? Brezhnev felt it was time to act and he felt an invasion was in accordance with the Brezhnev Doctrine. What? Despite denials to Carter about an imminent invasion, Brezhnev sent troops to Afghanistan on Christmas Day 1979. Brezhnev’s reason was he was only complying with the friendship treaty he had signed with Taraki in 1978. Amin was shot on 27th December and replaced with Kamal, who had returned from Moscow and whose position relied completely on Soviet military support. Significant? Many Afghani soldiers deserted the government and joined the rebel forces. This meant that 85,000 Soviet troops had to be committed to supporting the Afghan regime. The end of détente.
Task Design a mind map on why the USSR invaded Afghanistan which includes the following groups of words. Long term reasons Empire Oil National interests Fear of Islam Iran Central Soviet Asia Control Civil War Taraki Amin Karmal Brezhnev Remember - Colour Remember - Images Remember - Structure
Plenary This word cloud is in the shape of Afghanistan. Spot as many words as you can in the word cloud and explain why each word is significant in this lesson.