Journal What do you do to protect yourself from being a victim Journal What do you do to protect yourself from being a victim? What are some other things that you could do to further protect yourself? Text Pg. 343-345 Review #11, 12 pg. 348 Violence
2001 Crime Clock Only reported statistics 172 women are physically and/or sexually assaulted by an intimate every hour 1 Theft every 2 seconds 1 Violent Crime every 5 seconds 1 person is killed in an alcohol-related traffic crash every 43 minutes 1 Burglary every 9 seconds 1 Murder every 34 minutes 1 Aggravated Assault every 24 seconds 1 Identity Theft every 19 minutes 1 Motor Vehicle Theft every 34 seconds 1 Rape/sexual assault every 2 minutes 1 Robbery every 43 seconds 1 child is reported abused and/or neglected every 38 seconds
Characteristics of Abusers Very jealous, has a short temper. Reacts physically: hits the wall, kicks the dog, etc. Raised in an abusive home. Macho type, must always be the one in control. May or may not batter children. Believe they have the right to beat other people. Think, victims enjoy or need the abuse.
Characteristics of Victims of Abuse Raised in an abusive home (was abused or witnessed abuse). Low self-esteem, insecure, feel they deserve the abuse, guilty, etc. Isolated – not allowed to form close relationships with others. Resists giving up on marriage, doesn’t want to feel they have failed, wants to help the abuser change. Fear of leaving the abuser or of other family members being hurt.
Sir Edward Coke: “For a man’s home is his castle.” Determine if your home is a castle or a dungeon. Answer each question yes or no. Write down each yes number. (For example: 1B, 1C, 2A, etc.) 1. Do you feel unhappy in your home? Do you feel stifled in your home? Do you feel like a prisoner in your home?
Do you seldom have friends visit? 2. Do you seldom have friends visit? Do you feel ashamed to have friends visit? Do you have no friends left? 3. Is your self-esteem shaky? Is your self-esteem practically nonexistent? Do you have no idea what self-esteem is? 4. Do you and your family argue occasionally? Do you and your family argue constantly? Are you afraid to argue with members of your family?
Have you threatened to leave if things don’t change? 5. Have you threatened to leave if things don’t change? Have members of your family promised to change? Has anyone in your family threatened suicide if you leave? 6. Have you thought about running away? Have you made plans to run away” Have you or others in your family ever actually run away?
Do people ridicule each other in your home? 7. Do people ridicule each other in your home? Does the ridicule provoke tears on a regular basis? Is someone suicidal from being ridiculed? 8. Does making up always include gifts? Do gifts seem better after a fight? Do you only receive gifts after fights?
Has anyone in your family ever been hit? 9. Has anyone in your family ever been hit? Has anyone gone to the emergency room? Do they know you by name at the emergency room? 10. Has anyone in your family lied to friends about their bruises? Has anyone in your family lied to another family member about their bruises? Has any member of your family lied to the police about bruises?
Do you stay awake nights if a member of your family is out late? 11. Do you stay awake nights if a member of your family is out late? Do you stay awake nights afraid the police will call? Are you awake because you’re afraid a member of your family will kill you? Add up your scores: 1 point 2 points 3 points
0-11 Methinks this castle may have a dungeon. 12-22 It looks like a dungeon, smells like a dungeon and acts like a dungeon. 23+ Where did the rest of the castle go? All I can see is this dungeon! “The hell you know is better than the hell you don’t.” Have you ever stopped to ask: “Why live in hell at all?” And why are you living in a dungeon?
Marital Abuse Wife abuse is the biggest danger to women. 95% of physical battering is done by the male. However, when the wife does the battering, she is more likely to kill. Avoid marital abuse by: Avoid getting involved with an abusive character. Don’t let it start. If it happens once, insist on the other person getting therapy. If it happens several times – call the police.
Assisting in an Abusive Situation To help someone else in an abusive situation, call the police. It is too dangerous for you to intercede. Offer emotional support to the victim afterwards.
Violence Cycle 3. Honeymoon 1. Tension Building 2. Battering Incident As this cycle is repeated over and over, the violence will continue in both frequency and severity. 2. Battering Incident
Examples of Intensity Shoving Pushing Slapping Punching Kicking MILD MODERATE SEVERE FATAL Shoving Pushing Slapping Punching Kicking Choking Threaten with weapon Battering Stomping Strangling Stabbing Shooting
Will marriage make the abusive behavior go away? Abuse only gets worse after marriage. People stay in an abusive situation for many reasons. Financial dependence. Social implications. Fear. They believe they caused it. They believe the violence is temporary. They believe they should understand the abuser. Personal incompetence.
INTERNET Crisis Management Pretest Violence Quiz