CHRISTIANITY The times we rejoice the most is Easter &Christmas. For Christmas is when Jesus was born and Easter is when Jesus dies. This is my church and the place I go every Sunday for Sunday mass. Saint Gerrard Majella!
Home I do things at home every day relating to my religion such as, My dad or mum say a prayer before we eat our dinner but we always start and finish the prayer by blessing ourselves and saying ‘In the Name of the father and the son and the holy spirit Amen.’ From the 16th of December to the 25th of December (9 days) we say the ‘Novena’ each day. We also say prayers and reflect on the Christmas story. We all have something relating to Christianity in most rooms of our house. In my room is a little cross and my presents from my Holy Communion. We all have little things that are important to us and contribute to our lives.
My church life! I love going to church every Sunday because everyone is so friendly and I serve up on the altar! I help the father (the priest in our church is called Father George) on the altar. My favourite job is to carry the acolyte my least favourite job is thurifer. I haven't ever done the cross and the boat isn't that much fun either!
Acolyte! Is a long candle that you place on the altar! Cross! Is a cross on a long stick that you carry at the front of the procession! Thurifer! Is a chain that holds incense(and makes you cough a lot!!) Boat! Is a pot that carries incense for the thurufer!
Extra little things! I take blood and body. That sounds pretty odd but don’t worry its just bread and and weakened wine. You’re only aloud to take this at the communion. You also have to do this lovely ceremony called ‘Holy Communion’ You dress up really nice and smart…
My Holy communion !!
I love being a Christian and being who I am! By Maya O’Driscoll !!! Any questions.