GalleryGuru Open your Art
Who am I My name is Lior Har-Lev. I am a film-maker, visual artist, commercial director, and now also an entrepreneur. I don’t have any background in startups or technology. What I'm interested in is art and bringing it to people.
What I am doing A mobile app that shows current art exhibitions and events by location, popularity and other filters. The idea is to supply art lovers and art enthusiasts with an easy to use tool to keep updated, while at the same time creating a platform for galleries and art events to promote their exhibitions and artists. I already have a running POC iOS version- Galleryguru. Feel free to download and open yourself to art
Who I am looking for an enthusiastic CEO co-founder with awesome marketing and business strategy skills who could lead the way to investors and markets and has a passion for art, money and the combination of the two. Experience is nice to have but chemistry is a must have.
GalleryGuru – "Open your Art" Contact me GalleryGuru – "Open your Art" art content mobile app Lior Har-Lev fb: lior harlev Cell:+972-524700651