Robert J Mckain John Sidney McCain III is the senior United States Senator from Arizona. He was the Republican nominee for president in the 2008 United States election.McCain followed his father and grandfather, both four-star admirals, into the United States more..
“ Robert J Mckain: Become all that you are capable of becoming! #Excellence
“ Robert J Mckain: There is no achievement without goals. #Goals
“ Robert J Mckain: Success or failure is often determined on the drawing board. #Planning
“ Robert J Mckain: Decide that you really want to achieve the goal... #Commitment
“ Robert J Mckain: Talk back to your internal critic. Train yourself to recognize and write down critical thoughts as they go through your mind. Learn why these thoughts are untrue and practice talking and writing back to them. #Conflict
“ Robert J Mckain: Strategic planning will help you fully uncover your available options, set priorities for them, and define the methods to achieve them. #Planning
“ Robert J Mckain: The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true -- action precedes motivation. You have to prime the pump and get the juice flowing, which motivates you to work on your goals. Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day. #Action
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