Evolving Maktab 2015-2017
Background Have been in operation for two and a half years. Learning and struggling all the time Grateful for your feedback Presentation to keep you abreast of all the changes at Maktab
Outline Changes in Preschool Changes in Junior School and Middle School Curricular Administrative General news
Preschool Portfolios Introduction of Portfolios: record of your child’s learning process What the child has learnt How he/she has gone about learning; how she thinks, questions, analyses, synthesises, creates How he/she interacts – emotionally, intellectually, socially
Curricular changes Mainly changes are in KG Social studies (Identity, roots and place) Science experiments (American Chemical Society)
Junior School and Middle School Curricular Changes
Urdu Grades 1-5 Grades 6-8 Punjab Textbook Board books as readers Introduction to Urdu literature
English Grades 1-6 Grades 7-9 Switch to Cambridge Primary. Grades 7-9 Switch to Cambridge Checkpoint Significant exposure to different genres in English Literature especially in grades 6-8. Should make O levels easy
French Formal textbooks, workbooks, literary companions Multimedia
Community Service Grade 7 Grade 8-10 Voluntary participation IB guidelines are about 50 hours per year. Our passing requirement: 14 Sundays each academic year. Hope that you will do more at home or at Maktab.
Mathematics Grades 1-6 (1st term). Grades 1-8 Math circles added to curriculum Grades 1-8 Khan Academy incorporated. Helpful for parents as well. Grade 6. Option to choose theory or applied after 2nd semester. Grades 6-11 Mapping of Theory Stream to the regular Cambridge stream done.
Science Grades 1-5 Grades 6-8 curriculum changed Additions to ensure adherence to Key Stage(UK) standards. Grades 6-8 curriculum changed Grade 6. Earth Sciences and Health Grade 7. Chemistry and Health Grade 8. Biology, Physics, and Health
Social Studies Canadian curriculum (citizenship, identity, multicultural global outlook). Grades 1-3. Gentle introduction. No books (Canadian). Side by side activities along with textbook (Peak Publishing). Examination based on projects and in class assessment (oral and written) Exam preparation. Help your children become more thoughtful citizens of Pakistan. Textbooks for Grades 4-6, and Grade 7(partial). Notes being developed for Grades 7 and 8.
Computer Science Grades 1-4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7-8 Following curriculum developed by Code.org. Gentler introduction and more participatory. Grade 5 Scratch Programming Course developed at Harvard Graduate School of Education Grade 6 Typing and Microsoft Office Reading and augmenting Scratch Game. Grade 7-8 Beauty and Joy of Computing developed at UC Berkeley
Administrative Changes in Junior School and Middle School
Grading Scheme Relative weights 1st term class. 10 % 1st term midterm. 10 % 1st term final. 20 % 2nd term class. 10 % 2nd term midterm. 10 % Final. 40 %
Minimum Promotion Requirements Grades 1-6 Assessment of class teacher based on subject teacher recommendations and consultation with parents. Grades 7-8 Overall GPA of 2.0 with a minimum of 2.0 in each of the major subjects (English, Urdu and Mathematics)
Improved Feedback More detailed and formal student feedback in terms of Learning Outcomes. For example Understands (using simple pictures) and applies the multiplication algorithm with and without regrouping Applies phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words until automatic decoding has become embedded and reading is fluent.
Maktab News
Miscellaneous News Academic Web Portal Demo. Students organized in two Houses Camaraderie and competition Inter-House and individual competitions. Details on the website. Sports Declamation / Recitation Essay writing Four thousand new books being added to library
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