landforms mass movement crust weathering erosion mantle inner core Earth 1A Earth 5A crust weathering Earth 2A Earth 6A erosion mantle Earth 3A Earth 7A inner core deposition Earth 4A Earth 8A
The downhill movement of rock and soil because of gravity. Physical features on the surface of the earth. Earth 5B Earth 1B The process of breaking rock into silt, sand, clay, and other tiny pieces, called sediment. The thin outer layer of Earth that is made out of rock. Earth 6B Earth 2B The layer of rock beneath Earth’s crust. The process of moving sediment from one place to another. Earth 7B Earth 3B Inner part of the center of the Earth, made of solid iron and nickel. The process of dropping, or depositing, sediment in a new location. Earth 8B Earth 4B
convergent boundaries outer core transform boundaries Earth 9A Earth 13A plates magma Earth 10A Earth 14A convergent boundaries lava Earth 11A Earth 15A divergent boundaries volcano Earth 16A Earth 12A
Rigid blocks of crust and upper mantle rock. Area where two plates slide past each other horizontally (also called sliding or strike/slip boundaries). Outer part of the center of the Earth, made of liquid, or molten, iron and nickel. Earth 13B Earth 9B Rigid blocks of crust and upper mantle rock. Molten, or liquid, rock from Earth’s mantle . Earth 14B Earth 10B When two plates push together. Magma that reaches Earth’s surface. Earth 15B Earth 11B A mountain formed by lava and ash, usually formed at plate boundaries. When two plates move or pull apart. Earth 16B Earth 12B
earthquake Pangea or Pangaea faults fossils continental drift Earth 17A Earth 20A faults fossils Earth 18A Earth 21A continental drift Earth 19A
The remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock. A supercontinent containing all of Earth’s land that existed about 225 million years ago. A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in Earth’s crust. Earth 20B Earth 17B The remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock. A break or place where pieces of Earth’s crust move. Earth 21B Earth 18B A theory of how Earth’s continents move over its surface. Earth 19B