What is a Language? TBLT Workshop Davis, California August 2011
Lana’s Story Lana daddy horsey Man up Horsey poo Daddy poo bag Lana daddy home
UNGRAMMATICAL OR UNGRAMMATICIZED? Omission of articles. Omission of BE. Questions marked lexically but not structurally. Predominance of base form of the verb. UNGRAMMATICAL OR UNGRAMMATICIZED? Omission of articles. Omission of BE. Questions marked lexically but not structurally. Predominance of base form of the verb. omission of articles omission of BE questions marked lexically but not structurally predominance of base form of the verb
Grandpa, that water not for drinkin’. It for puttin’ in a hole.
LANGUAGE AS MEANING Meaning involves more than ‘getting the message across’. It involves all three of Halliday’s ‘macro-functions’: - IDEATIONAL (getting the message across) - TEXTUAL (making the message readily accessible) - INTERPERSONAL (taking account of the receiver and presentation of self)
Why do we need grammar? 1 To express some complex notions. 2 To be receiver friendly. (Textual) 3 For precision. (Textual) 4 For presentation of self. (Interpersonal) 5 To respect the receiver. (Interpersonal)
LEARNING HOW TO MEAN Language is a meaning system Learners begin by getting the message across This is largely a lexical process We begin with lexis and build the grammar in developmentally Learners should begin by communicating with the resources they have and then be encouraged and enabled to refine and expand those resources