Working Information Card to be carried in safety sack Updated 16th Jan 2016 Name of Site: Nesscliffe Country Park Grid Reference: SJ 382 193 – Old 3 pigeons SJ 386 193 – pond SJ 385 196 - picnic area What to do in the event of an accident / incident: STAY CALM ENSURE GROUP SAFE & WARM DEAL WITH IMMEDIATE INJURIES EVACUATE OR PHONE 112 / 999 PHONE PRESTON MONTFORD (07977 059538) COMPLETE INCIDENT CARD Nearest Phone: The Old Three Pigeons Inn Nearest Dwelling: The Old Three Pigeons Inn or cottages at SJ388197 Postcode: The Old 3 Pigeons - SY4 1DB Location and Access/Egress: By Nesscliffe village, 5 miles NW of Montford Bridge just off the A5 From coach-stop: From opposite the pub in Nesscliffe village, a footpath runs up to the bottom of the hill. From there, follow red dashed line on map. From bottom car-park: Follow path left and up hill to picnic area at top Escape Routes: As above plus: From picnic area, head east along gravel track towards Pine-tops car-park. Mobile phone coverage: Good throughout Site Description: Wooded hill-top country park in a disused quarry by Nesscliffe village EMERGENCY CONTACTS Preston Montford Phone: 01743 852040 Duty Phone: 07977 059538 Nearest Vehicle Access: Coaches drop-off point at junction opposite The Old Three Pigeons Inn. Parking for minibus is ½ mile up lane on right hand side. Alternatively, for a less steep walk-in, continue up this lane and turn right in Hopton village, to Pine Tops carpark at top of hill on left. Special Equipment: Map & whistle for each orienteering group. High visibility jacket for crossing road. Access rights: Footpaths and bridleways throughout the country park. Permission for groups from Mark Blount (Parks and Greenspace team leader) 01743 255096 Hazards covered by P1 App 4, PLUS woodland App 5 Hazard Outcome Score Likelihood Score Risk Score Control Measures No extra site specific hazards
Working Information Card to be carried in safety sack Name of Site: Nesscliffe Country Park Grid Reference: SJ 382 193 – Old 3 pigeons SJ 386 193 – pond SJ 385 196 - picnic area Normal Parking for minibus The Oaks Car Park Steep unfenced cliffs at Olivers Point. Station teacher here if possible. Pine Tops Car Park Cottages Steep quarry sides Pond & orienteering start point The Old Three Pigeons Inn and coach drop-off. Road crossing area has traffic going 3 ways – tricky! Steep, slippery & uneven steps up side of quarry – do not use if wet.