AMC13 Status Report 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
AMC13 Status Reminder Version 1 (5Gb/s links, Virtex-6 chip) 15 modules built, all but 3 distributed to colleagues 1 at P5 ready for Slice test Version 2 (10Gb/s links, Kintex-7 chip) Design ready to send out, expect to send in next days Prototypes ready in min-January 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
AMC13 Rev 2 Changes Virtex 6 to Kintex 7 for 10G link support Two-way GbE switch removed, GbE to Spartan chip only (Never used Virtex GbE option) SDRAM size increased from 128MB to 512MB speed to 800MHz DDR (1600MT/s * 16 bits) Clock source changes: Rev 1 used 2x Si570 programmable XO Rev 2 uses Si5338B Quad programmable clock generator TTC Recovered clock to clock-capable input on Kintex 7 Changes to T1-T2 board connector pinout Maintain plug compatibility with existing connector Add 1 pin for additional 12V to be routed to T3 (plus additional GND) There are two diff pairs unused (GPIO pairs) unused for CLK, TTC 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
TTC / TTS Tester VME (or benchtop) module TTS fiber-to-RJ45 translator TTC system simulator 10 pieces at assembly house, overdue! Firmware underway; basic version running, fancy version with IPBus control in development 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
TTC/TTS Tester Diagram 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
Reserve Slides 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
Kintex 7 AMC13 Module – Rev 2 CLK F/O 40.xx CLK To AMCs TTC in SFP CDS TTC in TTS out Kintex 7 SFP IO IO DAQ 10 Gb/s SFP+ GTX GTX GTX GTX Fabric A (DAQ) 12 ports 5.0 Gb/s GTX GTX DAQ 10 Gb/s SFP+ GTX GTX GTX GTX GTX Spare 10 G b/s SFP+ (2) 128Mx16 DDR3 GTX 1600MT/s (6.4 GB/s) Spartan 6 GTP IO Fabric B 80 Mb/s (TTC) DC LVDS GbE GTP MCH1 MMC uC IPMI Front Panel via T3 JTAG LEDs SPI Flash (4x GPIO) 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
SDRAM Update Rev 1: (1) MT41J64M16LA 64M x 16 DDR3 Tested at 1600 MT/s (800 MHz) Rev 2: (2) MT41J128M16JT-107 128M x 16 DDR3 Speed rated to 1866 MT/s (933 MHz) Plan to operate at 1600 MT/s (800 MHz) This part promised long-term availability by Micron factory rep 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
New clock source 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
T1-T2 connectors MMC T2 → T1 SPI Bus Switch, LEDs Propose to add 1-2 pins PWR12V Connector can expand this way only 2.5Gb/s T1 ↔ T2 link GbE to T2 T1 → T2 TTC Data 40MHz clk Spare GPIOs (4) JTAG / Config JTAG / Config 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
Clocks: Rev 1 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
Clocks: Rev 2 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update
AMC13 Rev 1 Hardware Tongue 3 PCB (4) SFP+ Sites 1 for TTC (160Mb) (optional, for initial programming) (4) SFP+ Sites 1 for TTC (160Mb) 3 for DAQ/etc 6.2Gb Atmel AVR-32 uC MMC Functions Micro USB MMC serial console Tongue 2 PCB Tongue 1 PCB Spartan 6 FPGA Fabric B TTC distribution Firmware management interface to MMC Virtex-6 LX130T FPGA DAQ Functions, buffering 6Gb links to backplane, SFP JTAG Headers MMC programming FPGA programming 2012-12-04 AMC13 Update