Innovative projects at the UA library


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Presentation transcript:

Innovative projects at the UA library Academic bibliography and Institutional repository Archival modules

Situation of Anet Anet: Library automation department at UA Not only UA Other academic and special libraries in Antwerpen and Limburg Software suite Brocade In-house development since 1998 Completely web-based

Brocade services Automation of back office (both library and archival modules) Automation of front office (OPAC, MyLibrary) Develoment of ILL and document delivery module Impala (used througout Flanders) Commercial partner CIPAL Public libraries in Flanders Public libraries in South Africa

Academic bibliography at University of Antwerp Overview of scientific output at UA > 80.000 publications Managed by UA-library since 1991 Cataloguing and quality control Technical management Database management Software maintenance and development In cooperation with UA research department

Academic bibliography at University of Antwerp Workflows Input by library Mail (reactive) Monthly ISI-screenings (proactive) Synchronisation with institutional repository

Academic bibliography at University of Antwerp Services for the academic community Personal academic bibliography on the Web Academic bibliography is also part of E-curriculum: bundle of objective criteria for performance measurement, evaluation and promotion of individual researchers Report facilities (statistics) Assessment of research output Both internal and external (research funding by Flemish government)

IR at UA: Brocade and DSpace Brocade = platform for bibliographic input and control DSpace = platform for publication and distribution Model with 3 components Deposit by researcher or library Validation by library Publication via DSpace

Create visibility for scholarly output Full text available and indexed on the web Data available for harvesters worldwide Research output becomes wider and faster available ~ possible correlation with citation impact

Desktop Brocade Dspace Institutional LDAP Enhance uniformity Kwality control Linking Communities Collections Desktop Metadata Full text OAI Outbound

Deposit through UA desktop

Cataloguing module in Brocade

Publication in DSpace

Archival modules Development started in 2004 On behalf of one of the partners in the network: Letterenhuis Interest amongst other partners

Archival modules Three components ISAAR (CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description Object descriptions using metadata schemes based on local or international guidelines

au:1234 [actor] au:4567 Archival description Object au:7890 Identity Name Pseudonym DESCRPTION Born/died Places HISTORY FUNCTIONS/ACTIVITIES GenealY GENERAL CONTEXT Director of Archival description Object au:7890 RELATIONS HiErarchiCAL FAMILY ASSOCIATIVE Father of NOTES Library catalogue ILLUSTRATIONS ExternAL LINKS External links External database

Letter Manuscript Photograph au:1234 isad:lh:1234 [archival descripton] ISAD(G) -hierarchy IdentificatiON DESCRIPTION LEVEL TitLE DateS EXTENT Consultation and USE RELATED MATERIAL NOTES Context CREATOR HISTORY ACQUISITION CONTENT and STRUCTURE Object descriptions Actor/Creator Letter Manuscript Photograph au:1234

tg:lhps:1234 [object such as photograph, manuscript, letter, …] IDENTIFICATION Reference Title Descripion DATES NOTES RELATED DOCUMENTS Illustrations Thumbnail HIGH resolution LOW resolutiON Item archive CALL NUMBER ACQUISITION NUMBER au:1234 Actor/author Relationss au:5678 DESCRPTIVE FIELDS Format NUMBER OF PAGES LANGUAGE … Actor/illustrator Archival record isad:lh:1234