HW Check: Pg 75 Ex 4f 5-12
A few learning objectives AGO.. L.O. To be able to express a quantity as a fraction of another
L.O. To express one quantity as a fraction of another quantity Make sure the quantities are of the same units If they are not, change the bigger unit to the smaller unit! Put the smaller number all over the larger number to create a fraction Simplify the fraction you have created
Today’s Learning Objective L.O. To be able to express a quantity as a PERCENTAGE of another
L.O. To express one quantity as a fraction of another quantity Percentage Make sure the quantities are of the same units If they are not, change the bigger unit to the smaller unit! Put the smaller number all over the larger number to create a fraction Simplify the fraction you have created Multiply the fraction you have created by 100 to turn it into a percentage!!
Write 5 out of 25 as a percentage 20%
Write 16 out of 80 as a percentage 20%
Express 15cm as a percentage of 30cm 50%
Express 15cent as a percentage of 60cent 25 %
Express 30cm as a percentage of 1m? 30%
Express 200g as a percentage of 5kg 4%
Express 800ml as a percentage of 4 litres 20%
Express 75cm as a percentage of 2.5m 30%
Express 36 minutes as a percentage of an hour. 60%
Homework Pg 77 – 79 Exercise 4h 1,3,21,25 and 35,39,42