Elephants Enormous Magic Show Cliffords Fire house Visit Mrs. Monacelli`s Class Week of October 5th What we did this week: We learned all about fire prevention We talked about an escape plan at home, smoke detectors and how to be safe around hot things at home. We made fire trucks, fire paintings, we sorted hot and not pictures and we practiced our numbers with a fire book. The fire department visited our school and we learned more about fire safety. We also go to spray the fire hose and go in the fire truck! Learned the number 3 and the letter E Math Centers: Roll and stamp the number fire truck, Graphing the fire equipment, Stamp and practice the number 3, Roll the dice and cover the fire trucks We learned all about Ben who was the star of the week ;) Reminders/ Important Class Info We are looking for colored tissue paper, cheese cloth and fabric stiffener. (we are making a Halloween project) Also if you want to donate fall items to decorate the room and hall-gourds, pumpkins, and other fall items- we would greatly appreciate it! Field Trip Tuesday, dress for the weather. 1 Pie pumpkin per child for Friday Please make sure your child has a sweater/coat everyday with the weather getting cooler. Also continue to practice putting on and zipping up their coats-it helps up get outside on time. Thank you!!!! Have a great weekend!!! ` Books We Read: Dragons Love Tacos Elephants Enormous Magic Show Three Bouncing Balls Cliffords Fire house Visit Next Weeks Theme: Pumpkins