SOMERSET MISSION Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self-directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment S - Set high expectations O - Objective M - Meaningful curriculum E - Effective R - Resourceful and responsible life long learners S - Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E - Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T - Teachers who are highly qualified
- Student ID # as your username - 8 digit Birthday for the password. ATTENTION SPARTANS The bus loop gates and the gates by the office are to be kept closed between 8:15 and 3:30. Seniors, Juniors, and DE Students: Don’t forget to sign in/ out when leaving campus, or Mrs. Rains will revoke your privileges! Please place Jimmy Johns orders before 10:45am. When dismissed for lunch, you MUST come straight to the main office to pick up your order. To access Skyward, you need to know your: - Student ID # as your username - 8 digit Birthday for the password. For ex: if you were born January 1st, 2001 your password would be: 01012001
DO NOT. . . “Hang out” in the stairwells or on the second floor during lunch. Chew gum. DO NOT BRING GUM! Go on the basketball court with a skateboard! Use the elevator without approval from the office. Leave campus if you are a Freshman or Sophomores (Except for DE students) Allow an underclassmen in your vehicle without prior permission, or you will lose all privileges for the remainder of the school year.
After school Tutoring/Clubs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Math in 135 Detention Weston 136 Science Horror Club in 127 Drama Club in Cafeteria Anime Club in 129 English Psychology Club in 136 Mock Trial 136 World Language Animal Rights 129 Lunch: Peer Tutoring/ Clubs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Social Science in room 130 --------------- Science English School Newspaper in 125 World Language Math in 135 GSA Club in 129 -------------- First Priority Club in 129
LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY Application Fee waived for SCPA students In state tuition offered Harrogate, TN Bachelor of Science Athletic Training Veterinary Health Science Criminology and Criminal Justice Social Work Environmental Science Bachelor of Arts Art Media Communications Business Political Science Associates of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting Marketing
Thanks to Mr. Federici, you can receive an application fee waiver for Seton Hall University. If you are interested in applying, please see Mrs. Hernandez for the fee waiver.
Volunteer Opportunities PSL Botanical Gardens. Contact Jeff Policar with any questions by calling 917-574-9385 Sarah’s Kitchen. For those interested, visit: or see Mr. Kyryliw for more information Teen Court at the PSL Police Dept. Must see Officer Lushbaugh to get the details and exact dates. Infiniti Stuart Dealership. Volunteer Point of Contact- Lisa Giandomenico Cell # 856-938-8498
Scholarships Abbott and Fenner Scholarship High School Juniors and Seniors Women in STEM Scholarship Actuarial Diversity Scholarship Alphonso Deal Scholarship Award-African American High School Senior interested in Law Enforcement AORN Foundation Scholarships & Grants-- Perioperative nursing Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship Big Sun Scholarship- Senior Athletes Childhood Cancer Awareness Scholarship Aspiring Business Professional" Scholarship Program- Seniors
MORE SCHOLARSHIP INFOMATION Future Legal Leaders Scholarship ($2,000) Video and Essay Contest for students entering law school) IRSC Writing Contest The Navy ROTC Scholarship $180,000 over a four- year period- this includes tuition, books, plus instructional and lab fees SRRC sponsors a scholarship program ($1000) for current high school seniors who have relocated into the area sometime between grades 9 and 12. Write Essay about your Most Inspirational Teacher for Scholarship ($1000) The Cooke College Scholarship offers up to $40,000 per year for four years of undergraduate study at any accredited college or university More Scholarship Opportunity: Application website is Aspiring Business Professional" Scholarship Program- Seniors ($1000) Boston University Trustee Scholarship (a Full-Tuition Scholarship) Boston University Presidential Scholarship ($20,000 to students with exceptional academic achievements) Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund ($2,500- 20,000) Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship AXA Achievement Scholarship ($2,500- 25,000- - Ambition and Drive) B. Davis Scholarship (A non academic scholarship for Junior and Seniors) 1000 Jan La Belle Scholarship (To students with disabilities who desire to pursue their personal and career goals through attendance at a post-secondary institution. Children of Divorce Scholarship($1,000) towards first year in college) Dori Saves Lives 2016/2017 Senior Scholarship Contest ($2,500) Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program ($20,000 – Open to Seniors)
Ringling College of Art + Design Pre-College 2017 BEGIN A NEW CHAPTER Get an edge up…In daily classes where you learn to explore, experiment, and make mistakes. You’ll rev up your knowledge of technique and media by working on amazing projects, which are led by top instructors and professionals in their field. You’ll use the best tools during tons of targeted studio time. Visit link below for more info!!!
Executive Internship Requirements: 3.0 GPA or higher 11-12 grader Take the time this summer to secure yourself an internship in the community for next school year! Who: 11th- 12th graders When: 2017-2018 school year Why: To gain experience and explore your field of interest and it will replace a elective class here! Requirements: 3.0 GPA or higher 11-12 grader 16 years old+ See Mrs. Hernandez for more information.
Scholarships!!! Are you a student in need of money for your post-secondary education? Do you want thousands of dollars to put towards your education? If so, visit the link below and check out these scholarships!!! Look for the document called College Scholarship Guide.
Bricks-R-Us Fundraiser – Personalized bricks will be available for order by all SCPA students and those who graduated last year. - Cost: $100 per brick - Brick type and size: 4” x 8” clay bricks - 3 lines, 21 characters per line. Wording is centered, with a border around it. - Engraving type is Sandblasting, it provides a deep engraving and is painted with four coats of a special paint and one clear coat. It is not flush with the rest of the brick and shows the actual depth. It has a lifetime guarantee. - We can submit orders each time we have at least 10 bricks sold, which is great for an ongoing fundraiser. - Online ordering will be available through a personal website, which will take approximately 2 weeks for programming. - With the online ordering, the administrator will still need to submit the order - The bricks will be located when you enter the main gate.
FALL registration is open from March 30 – July 7th FALL Dual Enrollment Potential DE students Returning DE students Have a 3.0 unweighted GPA Take and pass the PERT by July 1st Fill out an advisor request form found in the main office and turn it in to Mrs. Hernandez with passing PERT scores Update your guided pathway at IRSC with your advisor Fill out an advisor request form found in the main office and turn it in to Mrs. Hernandez Classes will be scheduled with Mrs. Hernandez FALL registration is open from March 30 – July 7th
SPRING 2017 BOOKS ARE DUE MAY 2nd!!!!!!!!!! DUAL ENROLLMENT DATES!! SUMMER A -Registration: March 30th – April 21st - BOOK PICK UP: May 5th - BOOK DROP OFF: June 21st SUMMER B - BOOK PICK UP: June 23rd - BOOK DROP OFF: August 10th FALL -Registration: March 30th – July 7th - BOOK PICK UP: August 21st - BOOK DROP OFF: December 8th SPRING 2017 BOOKS ARE DUE MAY 2nd!!!!!!!!!!
Manatee Observation and Education Volunteer opportunities are available at Manatee Education Center. All Manatee’s Center positions will be receiving full training including a Orientation and on the job training. You can chose from: 1. Greeters 2. Discovery guide 3. Roving Naturalist 4. Education Assistant 5. Vanishing Mermaid Gift Shop Sales Assistant 6. Clerical Assistant Volunteer forms are available in the main office or at
Attendance Issues 10 or more days with 1 or more unexcused period(s) absent will result in a Saturday detention. Be mindful of your current attendance. Per Student Handbook, 10 or more unexcused absences subjects you to possible dismissal.
2nd annual Water balloon toss! Cost: $5(includes dress down) YEARBOOK Sponsored 2nd annual Water balloon toss! When: 5/12 Cost: $5(includes dress down)
Senior Week Thursday, May 11 Senior check out & Cap and Gown Pick up – (movie night) 8:30 - 2:30 (Movies at 6pm or later) Friday, May 12 Horseback riding $45 9:30am—12:30pm Transportation will be provided for Monday, Tuesday and Friday’s events.
$$$ CASH ONLY $$$ Every Tuesday MENU: No Cards Will Be Accepted 2 Hot Dogs, Soda[12 oz.],Bag of Chips……….....$5.99 1 Hot Dog, Soda and Chips..................................$3.99 HOT Sausage, Soda and Chips...........................$3.99 ALL TOPPINGS AVAILABLE NACHO platter…..................................................$3.75 KING ICE CREAM CONE....................................$2.99 ITALIAN ICE.........................................................$1.99 $$$ CASH ONLY $$$ No Cards Will Be Accepted Every Tuesday
Mock Trial Jurors Needed! Mock Trial needs 12 jurors for an upcoming case. Please see Weston in 136 or Kyryliw in 129 if you’re interested. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED May 20, 2017 9am-4pm Port St. Lucie Civic Center, US1 SONIA BOND 772-267-9731 Hours Awarded!!