A.Lachaize CNRS/IN2P3 IPN Orsay


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Presentation transcript:

A.Lachaize CNRS/IN2P3 IPN Orsay The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the EURISOL/Beta-Beam facility A.Lachaize CNRS/IN2P3 IPN Orsay

Programme The Beta-Beam complex The Beta-Beam RCS : general parameters, optics, closed-orbit correction, acceleration, beam losses, fast extraction, chromaticity correction, main magnet design. Additional studies Conclusion

The Beta-Beam complex Subject of the talk Production of neutrinos beam by beta decay of radioactive ion beams (Helium 6 and Neon 18) after acceleration to high energy (γ = 100). Based on existing CERN machines (PS-SPS) The IPNO is in charge of the design of the new low energy ring required for bunching and acceleration of ion beams before injection in the CERN PS. Subject of the talk A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 03

Quadrupole maximum gradient The Beta-Beam RCS (General parameters) Required for bunching and acceleration on the first harmonic of 20 pulses for accumulation in the CERN PS. 3-fold symmetry ring based on FODO cells with missing magnets to provide 3 achromatics arcs and 3 straights sections for injection, acceleration and extraction. It is composed of 60 dipoles and 48 quadrupoles. Schematic layout of the ring Injection energy 100 MeV/u Extraction energy 3.5 GeV eq. Proton Maximum rigidity 14.47 T.m Ring circumference 251.33 m Repetition rate 10 Hz Dipole length 1.4 m Bending radius 13.369 m Dipole field 0.2/1.08 T Quadrupole length 0.4 m Quadrupole maximum gradient 10.85 T/m A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 04

The Beta-Beam RCS (Optics) Tunes (H, V) 6.7 6.551 Maximum beta functions (H,V) 19m 18m Natural chromaticities (H,V) -1.24 -1.27 Momentum compaction 0.0349 Transtion gamma 5.35 RMS emittances at injection (H,V) 18.11 pi.mm.mrad 9.69 pi.mm.mrad Beta functions Tune diagram Beam envelopes at injection A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 05

Closed orbit prognosis and correction system Assuming standard field and alignment errors, distortions of the closed orbit have been evaluated (5 mm rms in QF) with the code BETA. A correction system based on 7H + 6V dipole steerers coupled to 14 BPM per period has been defined and correctors parameters have been specified. Closed-orbit before correction Closed-orbit after correction A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 06

The Beta-Beam RCS (Multiturn injection) Pulse length (50μs) longer than revolution time at injection (1.95μs). A closed orbit bump is needed to inject 26 turns of beam. The injection scheme has been optimized to maximize the number of injected ions within the specified transverse emittances (WinAgile code). The optimum filling is achieved when ions are injected with position and slope which minimize their Courant and Snyder invariant about a variable closed orbit. Septum wall position and pulsed kicker parameters have been specified and a preliminary sketch of the injection line has been studied. Phase space distribution of the multiturn injected beam Efficiency of 80% A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 07

The Beta-Beam RCS (RF acceleration) Fast acceleration (repetition rate of 10hz) requires a poweful RF system and a sophisticated voltage program. At the beginning of the cycle the trapping process must be optimized to avoid particles losses. Then, in order to maintain the central trajectory on the reference orbit, the acceleration must be linked to the magnetic field time variation and the voltage must provide a sufficient bucket area to enclose the longitudinal emittance. These different phases of the cycle have been simulated and optimized with the code ACCSIM and another code developed at IPNO for this purpose. Synchronous phase and voltage program Longitudinal emittances at extraction : 0.64 eV.s for Helium 1.4 eV.s for Neon A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 08

The Beta-Beam RCS (Beam losses) Beam losses occuring during injection, trapping and acceleration have been investigated with ACCSIM. Beam losses location and intensity have been determined. Injection losses : 20% of the beam lost on the electrostatic deflector. Decay losses : 3.7% lost for Helium ions, 1.55% lost for Neon ions during the cycle Capture and acceleration losses : 9% for Helium, 13.5% for Neon Total transmission of the ring : ~70% for both ions Losses location and intensity in the ring for Helium ions Losses location and intensity during the cycle for Helium ions A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 09

The Beta-Beam RCS (Fast extraction system) Extraction system consists of 2 fast kickers and 3 septum magnets. The fast kickers are composed of 2 modules for the first one (numbers 1 and 2) and 3 modules for the second one (numbers 3 to 5). The kicker layout is designed to produce sufficient separation between the circulating and the extracted beams. Then septum magnets produce the needed deviation angle to eject the beam from the ring (numbers 6 to 8) Realistic kicker and septum magnet parameters have been proposed. Their technology is based on existing designs made at GSI for SIS18 and for the J-parc project in Japan. Rise time 700 ns Pulse length 200 ns Horizontal aperture– Gap 10.0 cm Vertical aperture- Gap 8.0 cm Field for deflecting the beam 104 mT A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 10

The Beta-Beam RCS (Chromaticity correction) 2 components for the ring chromaticity : -Natural chromaticity -Eddy currents induced chromaticity Time varying fields in RCS magnets induce eddy currents in metallic vacuum chambers which in turn produce various multipole fields acting on the beam. In bending magnets vacuum chamber, one important component is a sextupolar component which modifies the ring chromaticity. The contribution of this component to the ring chromaticity has been calculated and a chromaticity correction scheme providing a large dynamic aperture has been defined . It is composed of 9 sextupoles per super-period (3 for horizontal plane and 6 for the vertical plane). Total chromaticity during cycle for Helium ions Sextupolar normalized strength to correct this chromatcity A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 11

The Beta-Beam RCS (Dynamic aperture) A good chromaticity correction scheme must provide a sufficient dynamic aperture to obtain a stable motion everywhere in the vacuum chamber. Dynamic aperture for He at 10 Hz Dynamic aperture for Ne at 10 Hz A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 12

Biased sinusoidal ramp The Beta-Beam RCS (Main magnet design) 1 A preliminary design of main dipoles and quadrupoles has been studied and proposed. 2D calculation of the transverse cross section have been made with the code POISSON. Number of dipoles 60 Magnetic length 1.4 m Good field region ± 5 cm (H) ± 5 cm (V) Bending radius 13.369 m Magnetic field (He) 0.199 – 1.08 T Magnetic field (Ne) 0.332 – 1.08 T Gap height 10 cm Maximum Ampere-turn 85940 A.t Magnet cycle Biased sinusoidal ramp Dipole cross-section C-type magnets have been selected for dipoles in order to afford easy extraction of Ne decay products. Coil configuration and technology together with water cooling and power supply parameters have to be defined more precisely, according to the CERN standards.. A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 13

Maximum Ampere-turn/ coil The Beta-Beam RCS (Main magnet design) 2 Number of quadrupoles 48 Length 0.4 m Bore radius 0.06 m Maximum gradient 10.825 T/m Maximum Ampere-turn/ coil 15545 A.t Quadrupole cross-section Coil configuration and technology together with water cooling and power supply parameters have to be defined more precisely, according to the CERN standards.. A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 14

Additional studies and further work to be done Beam loss distribution and associated dynamic vacuum effects have been estimated by GSI. No problems to obtain a pressure of 10-7 mbar. Intra-beam scattering has been studied at CERN, it is not an issue in the RCS. Shielding design and calculations have been done at CERN, the RCS radiation protection system is under study The cost estimate of a RCS similar to the Beta-Beam RCS has been made by CERN. The accelerator hardware (magnets, septa, collimators, vacuum system and beam monitoring system) is not technically defined in details. A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 15

Conclusion A complete design of the Beta-Beam RCS including a review of main dynamics issues has been done. The Beta Beam RCS parameters are well inside typical RCS specifications and do not pose critical technical issues. Further work is needed if we want to define the ring hardware in details. A.LACHAIZE Nufact08 03/07/08 16