What Teachers and staff need to know! Internet Safety What Teachers and staff need to know!
A Valuable Learning and Communication Tool The Internet: Assists with research and homework Facilitates communication with family and friends
Potential Dangers and Pitfalls Viruses or hidden spyware endangers family privacy computer health Identity Theft affects children and adults Inappropriate information pornographic and violent images hate literature aggressive advertising Cyberbullies Sexual predators chat rooms blogs message boards email & Instant Messaging
Video How Hard is it To Track Someone?
(statistics from i-SAFE and WDBJ7 television) Alarming Statistics At any one time there are 50,000 sexual predators online One in every four children ages 10 to 17 will be solicited online at least once, but few ever tell their parents 55% of students report having given out personal information to someone they have only met online 20% of high school students and 19% of middle school students report having met face to face with someone they first met online 58% of students admit to using the Internet unsafely, inappropriately, or illegally (statistics from i-SAFE and WDBJ7 television)
How to Monitor Internet Use Monitoring students is crucial Move around the room as students use computers Bookmark suitable sites and monitor bookmarks Use PortaPortal or similar website to save appropriate sites Do not allow students to “surf” the web
Teacher Responsibilities Monitor Student Use of Computers Instruct students on safe ways to use internet use “ Teachable moments” Post and repeat the rules often Report any cases of Cyberbullying or Cyberthreats to administration
Internet Rules NEVER give out personal information or use a Credit card without permission NEVER share password with anyone, even a friend NEVER arrange a face-to face meeting with someone you meet online NEVER respond to messages that leave you feeling confused or uncomfortable. Report such messages immediately to an adult. NEVER threaten,harass, or intimidate anyone over the Internet Be aware that people online may not be who they say they are Kids Online—Donna Rice Hughes, Baker Book House Company 1998
Internet Safety Websites http://kids.getnetwise.org/safetyguide/ www.netsmartz.org www.wiredsafety.org/parent.html www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidpred.mspx http://www.msn.staysafeonline.com/parents/default.html http://www.cybertipline.com