Early Childhood Special Education Update March, 2016
Dawn Hendricks, Ph.D. Early Childhood Special Education Specialist Dawn.hendricks@doe.virginia.gov 804-225-2675
“Experts tell us that 90% of all brain development occurs by the age of five. If we don’t begin thinking about education in the early years, our children are at risk of falling behind by the time they start Kindergarten.” – Robert. L. Ehrlich
Model for Conceptualizing, Designing, and Implementing Inservice PD to Promote EC Practitioner Use of Evidence-Based Practices Evidence- Based Inservice Professional Develop-ment Practices Changes in Early Childhood Practitioner Knowledge and Skills Early Childhood Practitioner Adoption and Use of Evidence-Based Intervention Practices Changes and Improve-ments in Child and Family Outcomes Changes in Early Childhood Practitioner Attitudes and Beliefs Dunst, C. J. (2015). Improving the design and implementation of inservice professional development in early childhood intervention. Infants and Young Children, 28(3), 211-219.
Model for Conceptualizing, Designing, and Implementing Inservice PD to Promote EC Practitioner Use of Evidence-Based Practices -Increased self-determination skills -Increased reading proficiency -Increased school attendance -Increased graduation rates -Increased success in adulthood -Increased…. Ultimately, the final column in the model should include: -Increased self-determination skills -Increased proficiency in reading -Increased school attendance -Increased graduation rates -Increased success in adulthood This list can also include decreased….decreased special education, decreased drop outs
Preschool Indicators Indicator 6: Preschool Least Restrictive Environment December 1 Child Count Indicator 7: Preschool Outcomes SSWS, individual student data Indicator 12: Part C to Part B Transition SSWS, aggregate data
Indicator 12 Section 637, (a)(9)(A)(ii)(II) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 - In the case of a child who may be eligible for such preschool services, with the approval of the family of the child, convene a conference among the lead agency, the family and the local educational agency not less than 90 days (and at the discretion of all such parties, not more than 9 months) before the child is eligible for the pre-school services, to discuss any such services that the child may receive. Referral begins the 65 day timeline.
What is a regular early childhood environment? Indicator 6 What is a regular early childhood environment?
Child Count & Placement: Regular Early Childhood Program 2014 Total ECSE 16394 Receiving Majority Special Education and Related Services in Regular Early Childhood Program, at Least 10 Hours per Week 3777 Receiving Majority Special Education and Related Services in Regular Early Childhood Program, Less than 10 Hours Per Week 861 Total Majority Special Education and Related Services in Regular Early Childhood Program 4638 Percentage Receiving Majority of Special Education and Related Services in Regular Early Childhood Program (Reported in APR) 28.3%
Child Count & Placement: Self-contained/ Separate Settings Dec 2011 Dec 2012 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Total ECSE 16677 16610 16400 16394 Self-Contained 4415 4802 4322 4647 Separate School 51 64 36 45 Residential 8 12 9 Home 441 416 421 437 Service Provider Location 1070 1095 1018 1292 Total Separate Services 5985 6389 5809 6430 Percentage 36% 38.4% 35.4% 39.2% Percentage Separate School, Class or Residential (Reported in APR) 27.0% 26.65% 26.68%
Child Count: Disability Category Total Dec 1, 2014 Child Count Ages 02-05 Autism (AUT) Dev Delay (DD) Emotional Disturbance (EMN) Hearing Impaired (HI) Multiple Disabilities (MD) Intellectual Disability (ID) Other Health Imp (OHI) Orthopedic Impairment (OI) Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Speech or Language Impairment (SLI) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Visual Impairment (VI) 3 to 5 yr olds 16394 1388 8241 27 189 174 125 333 113 21 5720 16 47 2 yr olds 998 77 725 28 11 764 18 3 10 TOTAL 17392 1465 8966 217 185 889 351 116 5845 57
Indicator 6 Year Target 2014-15 Results A) Regular early childhood program and receiving majority of sped and related service in the regular EC program >31.00% 28.29% Missed target Slippage B)Separate sped class, school or residential facility <25.00% 28.68%
Indicator 7 - Child Outcomes Data A. Positive social-emotional skills B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs Targets 1. Of those children who entered the program below age expectations in Outcome- % that substantially increased rate of growth in Outcome by the time they exited 2009-10 85.8 83.0 90.3 84.0 86.93 83 2010-11 87.7 86.0 92.0 90.0 89.3 87 2011-12 88.2 92.2 89.2 2012-13 89.8 93.4 2013-14 89.6 93.9 93.5 90.5 2014-15 91.08 89.7 93.56 93.6 91.25 90.6 Met target No slippage Did not meet target
Indicator 7 - Child Outcomes Data A. Positive social-emotional skills B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. Targets 2. Percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome by the time they exited 2009-10 58.5 56.0 44.9 39 64.13 62.0 2010-11 60.4 46.4 65.9 2011-12 58.1 45.9 65.0 2012-13 57.7 64.2 2013-14 57.4 49.2 46.5 64.9 64.8 2014-15 58.33 57.5 50.44 48.6 64.92 Met target No slippage
Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data (DaSY) 1 year (final meeting August, 2016) Individual TA Group TA Focus: Indicator 7 Indicator 6
Early Childhood Personnel Center Technical Assistance Early Childhood Special Education, Early Childhood, & Early Intervention Focus Develop strategic work plan to be implemented by VA Cross Sector Professional Development VCPD to expand to pre-service training in Higher Education
DOE is invested with partners to improve service delivery in EC/ECSE DOE is invested with partners to improve service delivery in EC/ECSE. The following slides demonstrate collaborative / funded efforts.
Early Childhood Special Education Network 5 TTACs and community partners Provides professional development resources to support the development of young children with disabilities and families; Fosters collaboration with EC interventionists, service providers, agencies, and school and community programs; Promotes state priorities, federal guidance, and EBPs, supporting implementation and; Build the capacity of early childhood systems and programs VCPD has website with a description of current activities, partners as well as up to date resources
Virginia Cross Sector Professional Development Promotes planning, implementation and evaluation of professional development with the intent to ensure coordination of all EC PD in Virginia www.vcpd.net
Virginia Commonwealth Autism Center for Excellence Improves services and supports for individuals with ASD by promoting implementation of research-based practices in schools and the community through training, TA, research, and collaboration www.vcuautismcenter.org Discuss the ACE website and the training available for free as well as the resources ECMH – providing CSEFEL training with a focus on children B-3; endorsement for MH
Early Childhood Mental Health Develops a comprehensive system of care for infant and child mental health serving children birth through age 8 and their families/caregivers http://ecmhva.org/ Early Childhood Special Education Consortium (Radford University & Lynchburg College) Works to alleviate the critical shortage of ECSE endorsed teachers in Virginia, with a focus on Regions 5, 6, 7, and 8 by implementing instructional best practices coupled with the latest technology for course packaging and delivery Discuss the ACE website and the training available for free as well as the resources ECMH – providing CSEFEL training with a focus on children B-3; endorsement for MH
ECSE Network GOALS Create a system of partnerships with individuals responsible for early childhood programs in order to build and sustain capacity. Summer institute Website
ECSE Network GOALS Promote collection and use of valid, reliable, and accurate data for Indicators 7 and 6. Promote the use of quality curriculum based-assessment practices. Explore how preschool VTSS will be implemented and connect to K-12 VTSS to provide a full-continuum of supports.
Questions… Do you have a continuum of placement opportunities for preschool students? What standards do you use at the preschool level? Do you use a curriculum / curriculum based assessment? Is appropriate professional development provided to preschool educators? Is professional development combined for all EC educators?
Resources available
IPOP Inclusive Placement Opportunities for Preschoolers A systems approach to preschool inclusive practices Designed to help LEAs meet federal and state mandates that children with disabilities be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Three types of inclusive placement opportunities: Early childhood settings, Part-time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education settings, and Reverse inclusion settings Manual under revision TA available through T/TACs
Website changes…
VDOE Instruction/Early Childhood Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning: Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds (PDF) Virginia's Foundation Blocks – Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds describes specific indicators for pre-kindergarten children in the content areas of reading and mathematics. Preschool Curriculum Review Rubric and Planning Tool (PDF) – The rubric is designed to assist early childhood educators with reviewing curricula and products to determine if they align with the Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. Virginia’s Quality Indicators for Responsive Teaching: Creating a High Quality Preschool Learning Environment (PDF) – This checklist aligns with the preschool standards and helps teachers, parents, and administrators focus on creating shared, active, and hands-on opportunities for young children to develop their full potential. Foundation blocks being mailed to all school division at no charge to divisions by end of Sept. Email notice
Question to Ponder How do TTACs get schools to target this age group when asked for support and working on school improvement? How does your division improve Early Childhood Special Education services? What resources and supports do you need?