The City of Colorado Springs Recognized a Unique and Powerful Window of Opportunity: Linking Expansion of its Knowledge and Innovation Capacity (UCCS) with Simultaneous, Complementary, High Quality, Urban Renewal (North Nevada)
The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and the City of Colorado Springs are working together to Improve the Quality of Life in Colorado Springs By…
WORKING TOGETHER TO STRENGTHEN/BUILD ECONOMIC ANCHORS AS IDENTIFIED BY CSEDC Center for Innovation University of Colorado North Nevada Avenue Center for Government Conferences/ Nightlife Downtown Center for Transportation Southeast Employment Center Airport Area
UCCS is a Major Land Owner Entity in North Central Colorado Springs…
North Nevada
Gateway to Colorado Springs Interstate 25 Gateway Features Architectural Theme and Character Visually Attractive and Symbolic Monuments, Sculpture, Landscaping or Lighting Natural Open Space and / or Urban Plaza
Business / Campus Commercial (UCCS) “Gateway” Architectural Features and Signage Professional Office and Business Uses Community and Campus Services-Oriented Uses Urban Treatment, Scale, and Character
Research and Development Campus (UCCS) Signature Architecture Compatible with Main Campus Image and Identify Extends University Visibility, Character, and Influence Enhances Mixed-Use Quality of the Corridor Connections to Main Campus, Village and Community Retail Multi-Modal Friendly
Mixed-Use Neighborhood Retail Center – Phase I University Village “Sense of Place” - Pedestrian-Friendly Outdoor Urban Plazas Variety of Retail Shops and Services Connections to High Density Residential Architectural Compatibility and Interest Safe Connections to Open Space Systems
Community Retail and Lifestyle Centers Accommodates “Big Box” and Other Large Format Retail Potential for “Main Street” and Retail Pad Site Development Student-Oriented Entertainment, Restaurants, and Other Related Retail Urban Landscape Treatment, Amenities, and Pedestrian Linkages Architectural Compatibility, Scale and Interest On-Street and Surface Parking
Civic, Cultural, Arts and Recreational Facilities (UCCS/City) University and City Field Sports and Recreational Open Space Public Art and Sculpture throughout the Corridor Public Buildings and Urban Spaces / Formal and Informal Gathering Places Pedestrian Linkages City Trail Systems
North Nevada Avenue Characteristics Improved and Attractive Street Lighting and Wayfinding System Drainage Improvements and Efficient Road and Traffic Infrastructure Landscaped Medians / Pedestrian Safety Zones Pedestrian Overpass / Underpass Potential Dedicated or Detached Commuter Bicycle Lanes Detached Sidewalks and Pedestrian Crossings
Pedestrian-Friendly Transportation Solutions Landscaped Medians / Pedestrian Safety Zones Safe and Convenient Transit Stops Pedestrian Overpass / Underpass Potential Streetscaping, Furniture and Pedestrian Amenities
Redevelopment on the North Nevada corridor would dramatically improve the campus climate and amenities on the western border of the campus