Great Moments in Genesis Last session we examined both the theological context and the structure of the Book of Genesis This session we’ll look at the probable meaning of the Creation Accounts We have an overview (1:1-2:3) and a repetition with some different emphases (2:4-4:26)
The Overview 1:1-2:3 Problems with science may be built upon misunderstandings of what the text is trying to say (example: 4004 BC) Remember we are looking for the author’s intent—why was this written? Need to understand that a story can be told in more than one way
Important ideas Logical rather than chronological order (Gospels, normal story-telling) Many pre-biblical ideas of a 7 day framework from this part of the world (example: the building of Baal’s castle in Canaanite literature) Genesis 1 a complicated work of genius, almost like a literary puzzle
Horizontal and vertical relationships in Genesis 1 TOHU = unformed Day 1—light/dark Day 2—waters above/waters below Day 3—waters below/dry land & vegetation BOHU = unfilled Day 4—sun, moon, stars Day 5—birds/fishes Day 6—land animals & humans
What does it mean? Nicky Gumbel: “sincere Christians hold many different interpretations of Genesis . . . In light of the uncertainty and the difference of opinions among genuine Christians, I think it is unwise to be too dogmatic about the issue.”
Possible interpretations Six 24 hour days Days longer, represent periods Days of revelation for Moses All made in seed form (Augustine) A logical, not a chronological order making significant declarations about what God has done without describing how it was done
The last one makes sense Galileo: “The Bible teaches us how to go to heaven; astronomy teaches us how the heavens go.”
What God has done . . . He has created all that is He has made it good He has created man in His own image He has given man stewardship and dominion He has created the things that are worshiped by the other nations
Our God reigns! Difference between bara and asah Bara = create Asah = make Bara is found in v. 1, v. 21, and v. 27 God made the sun (and all else worshiped in Egypt) He created the sea monsters that were worshiped by the Hebrews’ ancestors in Mesopotamia
The next account (Gen. 2:4-4:26) After the macro-story, the micro-story is told It includes paradise, intimacy, unity, peace, deception, fall, blaming, curse, exile, violence, and more violence Chapter 2:7 says man was formed (yatzar) by God from the dust of the ground (see Isa. 43:1-2)
And now, a surprise God’s Name different in the 2 accounts Elohim in 1:1-2:3 Elohim YHWH in 2:4-4:26 Each appears 35 times Perhaps the text is saying in an ancient Hebrew way that we need both accounts to get a full picture