What is the Internet? © EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2016
The Internet … the structure of the ‘Net’ Computer networks all round the world ‘talking to each other’ connected together by telephone lines, fibre, cable, wireless or satellites Global network
Internationality … The Internet is international anyone with access to a phone line or wireless connection can connect Individuals in over a hundred countries are part of the Internet as it extends across national boundaries English is pre-dominant language but it is only one of the hundreds of languages that are transmitted via the Internet
Author driven … Anyone can write and publish anything on the Web an amateur or an expert no one moderates or filters information published from anywhere in the world they can leave it there as long as they like or change / remove it without warning Can be educational or entertainment Can be directed at adults or children
Public domain … The Internet is a public, co-operative Not owned by any one person or company Simply a network that links willing participants No one ‘censors’ any content on the Internet Users are responsible for their own actions and safety Anyone can add to it so it is ‘self sustaining’ and growing all the time
What do I need to connect and access information? I’m online
What is an ISP … Internet Service Provider a company that sells connections to the internet everything you send goes through your ISP everything you receive goes through your ISP
What is a Browser … A browser is an end-user program that you need to use to view web pages and ‘browse’ websites which are made up of multiple web pages
What are the popular browsers … Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, FireFox, Android (Dolphin) Browser are the most popular browsers
What is the World Wide Web … Web sites available on the Internet are written in HTML language Web sites are related web pages that show multi-media (text, graphics, sound and motion) The www is NOT the Internet
The www is NOT the Internet Navigate on the WWW … Use ‘hyperlinks’ to jump from webpage to webpage Accessible when you key in a URL (or web address) When you view a web page, it’s being sent to you by a server The www is NOT the Internet
Server serves up the pages … A server is a powerful computer permanently connected to the Internet It ‘serves or sends’ web pages and other files to clients A user (you and your computer) are known as a client
www is user friendly … The world wide web, the graphical portion of the Internet, is the most popular part of the Internet by far Navigating through pages of information based on what interests you at that particular moment is commonly known as Browsing or Surfing
It’s also called a web address How do I get to a web page? Key a URL A WHAT?? It’s also called a web address
Web address … A web address has a technical name – it is called a URL Uniform resource locator A web address looks like this Let’s break down the URL or web address ….
Standard User Protocol … The standard or set of rules that manages data transfer between computers It is the communicator that enables computers to understand and work together If you don’t follow the rules data cannot transfer
http … http:// ‘hypertext’ transfer protocol (allows the transfer of hypertext files from one computer to another computer across the World Wide Web) Hypertext files are written in HTML language
www… www Says this is a page on the World Wide Web containing text, graphics, video and sound, which uses hyperlinks to jump from page to page
xxx.co.nz … The domain name of the owner of the web address (eit), the company or organisation type (ac), the country (nz) The USA doesn’t identify country eg google.com Many different organisation types eg ac is for academic, co is for company
Where do I key a web address … In your browser, in the address bar
So how does that go? The client on a computer connects using an ISP Uses web browser software Goes to www address to view web pages Uses a search engine to find something Connects to a server Web page is downloaded from server to client
Back to the workbook now!! A great website to go to for more help and information: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/internetbasics/what-is-the-internet/1/ Back to the workbook now!!