The old LIS Library
Fall 2008 survey 53% response rate from Library faculty, 74% from GSLIS. All user groups except Library staff reported using the virtual LIS library services more than the physical library. All faculty valued virtual new book shelf, databases, and ejournals. GSLIS faculty valued website as a gateway to disciplinary information. Library faculty valued website for convenient access to resources.
Interviews Interviewed library faculty to gauge responses Helped to form final survey questions Respondents weren't heavy users of virtual library Regretted losing library space Getting materials and help is a two-step process Pre-tested survey and readjusted questions based on feedback
Summer 2010 Survey Respondents
How do you stay aware of new LIS publications in the UI libraries?
How do you stay aware of new publications in LIS generally?
When you're aware of a publication you want from our local UI collection, how do you get it?
Where do you seek answers to LIS reference questions?
How often do you contact the LIS library services staff
How often do you visit the LIS Librarian during her regular office hours at GSLIS?
Would you use LIS Librarian’s office hours at Main Library?
The LIS Virtual Library
How often do you use the LIS Virtual Library website?
Which social networking or communication tools would you like to see LIS library services adopt?
Opinions of new service model Benefits Drawbacks Increased access to library subject specialists. Cost savings. Increased flexibility. Stronger online services. No benefits. Loss of ability to browse print collections. Decreased access to library subject specialists. No drawbacks
Suggestions for improving LIS library services “Go rogue, get donations, build your own library!”
Next steps in service development More ebooks. Online chat reference. Updating content in virtual library. More LibGuides for courses. More outreach / marketing. Next steps in assessment Survey students. Re-test website usability.