Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting Reality vs. False Flag
The Shooting January 6, 2017; 12:53 pm Ft. Lauderdale airport, baggage claim 5 killed, 6 injured in the shooting -several victims were traveling with their spouses to take cruises out of Florida Approximately 30-40 injured in the following panic http://heavy.com/news/2017/01/esteban-santiago-fort-lauderdale- airport-shooting-surveillance-video-cctv-security-cameras-tmz-full/ (Article; video of shooting)
Victims Terry Andes (62) Olga Woltering (84) Michael Oehme (57) Shirley Timmons (70) Mary Louise Amzibel (69) Amzibel’s husband (injured) Kari Oehme (injured) Steve Timmons (injured) 3 others (extra credit if you can find their names!)
The Shooter Esteban Santiago-Ruiz 26 years old Born in New Jersey; grew up in Puerto Rico Former Puerto Rican National Guard -Fought in Iraq Alaska Army NationalGuard -Received general discharge (“unsatisfactory performance”) Checked a declared 9 mm pistol; retrieved at baggage claim; loaded it in the restroom Carrying military ID
The Shooter Received 10 awards while in the military -became mentally ill after being in Iraq -saw bomb explode near friends -received psychological treatment now long before the shooting Guns confiscated in 2012, returned in 2014 due to behavior Charged with assault in Alaska, 2016 Went to FBI field office in November 2016 -said US gov’t was controlling his mind, making him watch videos made by ISIL -hearing voices in his head Local police took him to a mental health facility; confiscated his gun; returned it soon after because he was not charged with any crimes Later diagnosed with schizophrenia but competent to stand trial https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYOHJxTVFEOFRUYUE/view?usp=sh aring
Investigation Supposedly on a Canadian flight, AirCanada says Santiago not on the flight manifest https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYRV9qNVJVSXJDV0E/ view?usp=sharing (FBI/Sheriff, January 6th) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYUTlQbUtwZTJXQkU/ view?usp=sharing (FBI, January 7th) Right: Gun used in the shooting; can’t find any pics of more magazines Walther PPS 9mm holds 6-7 rounds Magazine is still clearly seen in the gun
Investigation http://wlrn.org/post/fort-lauderdale-airport-re-opens-after-fatal- shooting (article) -Police processing 20,000 pieces of luggage -Airport reopened within 16 hours -Entire incident took 80-90 seconds -Had to exit 2x due to shots again?
Motives for False Flag January 4th-4 black men beat up 1 white man in Chicago; cover up racial tensions? Right before a gun bill was to be discussed in Congress allowing weapons to be permitted on campuses and in airport terminals (see “3 Weird things in Resources slide)
Reality, False Flag, or Hoax Calmly bleeding out…or fake blood?
Reality, False Flag, or Hoax https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYdDhmbHIzbkVtWjA/view ?usp=sharing (Gov’t mind and weather control) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYUVJvdmxRWnY2X2M/vie w?usp=sharing (crisis actor #1) crisis actor #2-man bleeding out outside and nobody helping Many witnesses reported more than 1 shooter https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYczE2b3ppNjQ5UGM/view ?usp=sharing (Terminal 2 after; watch older lady with white hair at the end) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4FcwtGWnXHYSmtmNjdwSVVPZXM/vie w?usp=sharing (video, 42 min: crisis actors, cameramen already on scene?)
Additional Resources http://www.libertyheadlines.com/ft-lauderdale-shooting-reflects- another-gun-free-zone-failure/?AID=7236 (article-Gun Free Zone Failure) http://daisyluther.com/3-weird-things-ft-lauderdale-airport-shooting/ (article) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/01/06/ft-lauderdale-shooting- suspect-made-confused-visit-to-fbi-said-us-intelligence-forced-him- to-watch-isis-videos.html (article)