Identify Types of Aircraft Engines M232.01 Instructor Name Identify Types of Aircraft Engines 30 Minutes REF: A-CR-CCP-802/PF-001
Introduction Learn about the need for an engine, and some different types Learn about Combustion Learn about Oxidation Play a game!
Why Powered Aircraft require a form of Propulsion Powered Aircraft require a form of propulsion in order to generate enough thrust to overcome drag and allow the wings to generate enough lift to overcome weight.
Rocket Engine Oldest form of propulsion, first used by the Chinese in 1232. Still in use today in various forms Self contained, has to carry its own oxidizer. Will function in space. Least complicated form of propulsion.
NASA Saturn V Rocket Helped put a man on the moon!
Early liquid rocket => AIM-9 Sparrow Missile, fired from an F-18
Piston Engine Commonly called an internal combustion engine Developed in the late 1800’s Used in most small aircraft Most complicated form of propulsion Also used in Cars, Boats, Motorcycles and lawnmowers.
1929 Ford Tri-Motor
<= Hawker Hurricane mk.II Cessna 152 Aerobat =>
Gas Turbine Engines Commonly called a Jet Engine Developed in the early 1940’s Uses exhaust gases to turn a turbine, hence the name Requires high pressure air to function. This means it requires a starter of some sort to start the compressor 4 primary types of Gas Turbine
Turbo Jet CF-100 Canuck
TOP: CC-144 Challenger Bottom: CF-101 Voodoo
Turbo Prop Beechcraft B200 Super King Air
<= CP-140 Aurora CT-156 Harvard II =>
Turbo Shaft
<= CH-113 Labrador EH-101 Merlin HC3 =>
Turbo Fan
Antonov AN-225 => Worlds Largest Airplane <= Boeing 737-800 Worlds Most Popular Airliner
Recap - What was the first form of internal combustion engine? The Rocket engine - What is the most complicated engine? The Least? Piston engines are the most complicated, Rockets are the least. - Why do Gas Turbines require a starter? There is no high pressure air until the turbine and compressors are turning.
Lets take a look at Combustion All the engines we have looked at are considered Internal Combustion engines Fuel is burned in a closed or narrow container and gets power from the heated, expanding gases.
Oxidation Term used for adding fuel to air, or oxygen. Also related to the process of spending the oxidized material. Slow oxidization is called Rusting Faster oxidization is called Burning Rapid oxidization is called an Explosion
Capturing oxidization in container allows the exhaust gases to be put to work. Most common uses involve moving a piston or turning a turbine, and these are connected to a shaft, propeller or even a cars wheels. This is an indirect application of energy, as it relies on moving parts to transfer power. Rockets make the most direct application of energy, as the expanding gases are directed to cause an equal and opposite reaction
Gas Turbine Engine combustor Piston powered Engine combustion
Recap - What cause the gases to expand? Heat - What is difference between Burning and Exploding? The speed of Oxidization - What type of engine uses the energy in the most direct manner? The Rocket Engine
Lets take a look at Oxidization in different engine types Simplest form is the Rocket, with Piston being the most intricate, and Gas Turbine falling in the middle.
Rockets! Carries Fuel and an Oxidizer for the entire mission or flight, these values must be pre-calculated. The Fuel and Oxidizer are mixed and ignited in the combustion chamber, and the expanding gases are directed out through a nozzle. Because it brings its own Oxidizer, it will work in space.
Gas Turbines! Tend to be shaped more like a Cylinder. Drawn in air gets compressed by fans before getting mixed with fuel and ignited. Expanding gases pass over a series of turbines that are used to drive the compressor fans, a propeller shaft or connected to a transfer box. Highly reliable despite the amount of moving parts.
Piston! Most commonly found engine, not just used in aviation. Fuel and Air get mixed before being injected into a cylinder containing a piston. The piston is moved by the oxidization of the fuel air mixture, this in turn moves the drive shaft. Covered in more detail in M232.03
Recap - Why can a Rocket work in space? It carries its own oxidizer - What spins the turbines in a Gas Turbine Engine? Exhaust gases turn the blades of the turbine - Where does a Gas Turbine Engine get its Oxygen? Air entering the front is compressed and contains Oxygen
Activity Time There are images of 16 different aircraft posted throughout the room. Each of you have been given sticky notes with different engine types Place your sticky note(s) on an aircraft that matches the engine types that you have. Only 1 engine type per picture.
Closing Questions - Why are Rockets, Gas Turbine and Piston Engines all Internal Combustion engines? All of them capture the hot expanding gases in a closed container. - What is used to spin the turbines in a Gas Turbine Engine Hot expanding gases are passed through and turn the Turbines. - What causes burning gases to expand? Heat.
Conclusion You should now have a better understanding of the Need for Propulsion; Combustion in Rocket, Gas Turbine, and Piston Engines; and Oxidization. Next lesson is M232.02 – Identify the Parts of a Piston Powered Internal Combustion Engine Any questions?