Waste Audit – Endurance 2012
Approach Used the ‘Green Business Survey & Waste Audit’ methodology of the ‘Waste Management Section’ of Public Works. Waste categories are aligned with LEED Data provided to ‘Waste Management’ for inclusion within their comparative company survey.
Waste Categories Other: Plastic wrappers, Food containers, Plastic bags, Foam, K cups
Essential Materials
Observations on recycling TAG Contaminants At same time recorded average recycling of TAG over a 4 day period and average soda consumption from vending machines Based on TAG in regular garbage only recycling 1/3 of cans and 50% of glass Significant amounts of contaminants Action – Reorganized bins
Observations on recycling - continued Paper Toner cartridges Despite using guardian drop boxes printed paper comprised 16% of total waste. Worked with Legal Dept. to emphasis need for secure disposal of company documents
Elimination Post audit introduced mugs, plates and silverware Based on findings this would eliminate much of the disposable plates/plastic cups observed (3% of total waste). However 4% of waste generated comprised plastic food containers so some of this material would still be there as it would be brought onsite.
Next steps Re-perform audit Re-emphasize ‘expectations’ of co-workers in advance of office relocation Objective will be to reduce paper going into general waste.
A few pictures