Bring to class every day… Precalculus Mrs. Tonya Dewberry Room E-133 Remind Class Code: _______________________ GRADING PLAN 50% Tests 15% Quizzes 25% Daily Assignments 10% Final Exam Why do I need to learn this? Future employers want to know that you can learn challenging things (even though you might not find them interesting) and then be able to apply them successfully to solve problems and figure things out. Bring to class every day… Completed Homework TI-84+ Graphing Calculator Class Notes Writing Utensils Erasers, White-Out Glue, scissors, ruler Expectations Fluency in mathematical notation and vocabulary Near perfect attendance Respectful attitude Participate in all learning activities Sit in your assigned seat Keep your desk clear for work (no bags, backpacks, purses, make-up, etc) Only 5 hallpasses per quarter Adherence to CHHS Rules and Procedures Assessment Quizzes 1) May be announced or unannounced 2) Can be at the beginning, middle, or end of class Unit Tests 1) Multiple Choice and Free Response 2) Tests must be taken in one sitting. You cannot come back later to finish. 3) If you are absent only on the day before a test, you will take the test as scheduled with the rest of the class. 4) You must have an excused absence to make up a test A DO NOT… Cheat or copy homework Bring food to class; All Drinks must be in a container with a screw-on top Sleep or put your head down Work on things for other classes in my class Only use pencil on quizzes or tests Sit sideways with your legs in the aisle Throw anything Change the thermostat Wear hats, hoods, sunglasses, earphones Use profanity or vulgar language Try to sneak use of your cell phone Stand at the door at the end of class Late Work/Absences No late work accepted All missing homework or quizzes will be replaced with the test grade for that unit It is always your responsibility to obtain notes, handouts, assignments, and any other information you might have missed **All subject to change if necessary