PRAGMATISM Pragmatism is the practical approach to problems. Greek word “Pragma” which means activity or the work done. Pragmatists believe that reality is constantly changing and that we learn best through applying our experiences and thoughts to problems, as they arise. 1
Chief Exponents of the Philosophy of Pragmatism are: Charles Pierce William James John Dewey 2
Basic Principles There is no absolute and unchanging truth, but rather, truth is what works. Only those things that are experienced or observed are real. To them truth, reality, goodness and badness are all relative terms. They are proved by man’s own experiences. 3
Curriculum Content Only activities, experiences and subjects should be included in the curriculum which are useful to the needs of the student and also meet the future expectations of their adult life. It condemns the principle of cramming and encourages original thinking and freedom to develop social and purposeful attitude. 4
Curriculum Instruction and learning experiences School of philosophy favours the project method and consider it active and dynamic. Child learn through their own activities and experiences. The teacher only guides and suggests whenever a student needs help. They believe learning by doing. Importance of child and they put a heavy emphasis on activities. 5
Teacher’s Role Teacher and Administrators Teacher works as a friend and guide to the children. Teacher knows students interest and understanding regarding the conditions of changing society The teacher puts problems in front of students which are interesting and students are expected to solve it. Acts as a facilitator and helps guide students in the right direction. pragmatism believes in social discipline based on child’s interest, activities and sense of social responsibility. It condemns enforced discipline. 6
Student’s Role Students Want experiences to make the learning real for the students. Pragmatists believe that learners should apply their knowledge to real situations through experimental inquiry This prepares students for citizenship, daily living, and future careers. 7
School’s Role Schools Schools philosophy is having students gain real experiences of actual life which develop social sense and sense of duty towards society and the nation. It is not only a sense of education but a sense of community. Preparing students to be better citizens 8
Educational Implications 1. Emphasis on Practical Utility: Since Pragmatism gives importance to practical utility, it is considered as progressive education. Modern India needs such type of education for its present and future progress. 2. Emphasis on Democratic Values: A Democratic Society advocates values like stability and continuity for its progress. Since, India has adapted democratic form of government; Pragmatism in education is very relevant for our country. 3. Emphasis on learning-by-doing: The watch word of the Pragmatists is learning-by-doing. Education should promote problem solving behaviour by adapting scientific methods. 9
The Project Method of Teaching: The methods of Pragmatism are scientific. Hence it is relevant today. Pragmatism doesn’t banish the Teacher: The teacher is not a dictator but only a leader of group activities. Emphasis on education of the Child: Children’s learning should be based on their interest and needs. Emphasis on Universal Education: Since universalisation of education has now become the goal of education, Pragmatism in education is relevant in the field of education. 10
Conclusion Pragmatism stands for the practical approach. In short, pragmatism is an attitude and a way of living. Pragmatism has its emphasis on action rather than on thought. Pragmatism is basically an attitude and not a body of ideas. 11