Welcome to the 11th Annual Redrock Software Conference!
Introductions David Booth – Director of Technical Support Jon Halter –Co Technical Support Manager Iliana Visser–Co Technical Support Support Manager Keegan Johnson – Technical Support and IT Jennifer Turley – Technical Support and Conference Mgr Luis Frias – Technical Support *new: Jodie Huddle – Advanced Tech Support Nicolas Corder – IT and Cloud Development Laura Reed – Sales & Anything else Kelly Corder – President & Lead Developer Jennifer Corder – Vice President & Payables
Communication and Retention New Systems & Semester Switch Focus Paths Communication and Retention Jon Halter New Systems & Semester Switch Iliana Visser Identifying Specific Student Populations Jennifer Turley Data In and Data Out Luis Frias
What’s Happened Since Last Year? HelpDesk Tickets: 4,767
What’s Happened Since Last Year? continued Still making minor enhancements to the existing system Continuously finding and fixing bugs (very, very few found this year, fewer than any year) Customer base is still growing Hired an Advanced Technical Support person (Jodie) who is in training and handling support tickets currently
What’s Happened Since Last Year? continued Q2 Remote Enhancements Continued development of the new TracCloud System – demo shortly… TracCloud Engine is complete – we are now working on the functional features – we should be complete or near complete by next conference!
What’s Next? Continue TracCloud development! We will continue to support and maintain existing systems We will enhance the module of existing systems as needed – module conversion to new TracCloud
TracCloud Simplified Interface Modernized Browser HTML and Scripting Bootstrap Framework for responsive/mobile friendly interface XML-Based Content Management System providing Organized content control Security for each entity Leverage templates for consistent, reusable elements Apache Server /PHP / mySQL Engine Cloud-based with fail-over and redundancy on server and data Consistent Interface over multiple screens and within each module API’s for Accessing data via remote applications (ie Campus push and pull of student data)
TracCloud (continued) Cloud hosted for Security Backup Automatic updates Easier maintenance and support Access anywhere Rules methodology changed: Previously data was not accessible until a rule was created to allow access. TracCloud: a rule can be created to auto-allow access (within an appropriate group) or auto-prevent with exceptions
TracCloud (continued) All Interactions from Student perspective are simplified All Listings are essentially reports All Listings can be exported All Listings can be used as a template for importing
TracCloud (continued) DEMO!
TracCloud (continued) Dashboard is cleaner and more user friendly Listings have been enhanced and allow for major customization Custom Fields Unlimited Reportable Assigned to any of the major records Students, Visits, Appointments, Availabilities, Consultants)
TracCloud (continued) Calculated fields Easy to access Easy to report on Scheduler uses more area for the appointments and simplified interface Preferences are easier to use Advanced options accessible but hidden initially
TracCloud (continued) Mobile friendly Tablets, smartphones Notifications Administrators are notified when certain events occur Notifications can be targeted to students, consultants, faculty or any staff Emails Automated emails use templates
TracCloud (continued) When TracCloud goes live, we will have tested and proven the stability and funcitonality of the new system well before our Customers start using it. The New engine is already in production for two major applications that we are using and supporting daily! Redrock Portal MyDojo.cloud Since December, we have made 1,392 commits (changes) to the TracEngine and the Live applications using TracEngine (that’s almost 15 commits a day).