SERENATE Questions for discussion David Williams CERN, also President TERENA SERENATE Initial Workshop 18 September 2002
Q1 Security inhibits user-to-user connectivity. Discuss Firewalls, run by people you never heard of, stop you doing what you need to do
Q2 Is geographically ubiquitous connectivity for European researchers (a) sustainable? (b) extensible? Is it true that the present connectivity is rather uniform? What do we mean by connectivity – email or grids? How much cross-subsidy is involved in providing it? Are fibres available everywhere – if not, could they be? What should the EU do about this ubiquity? Fundamentally will European R&E networking be driven by economics or by the ERA?
Q3 What should Europe do about connectivity to “neighbouring areas”? SEE Mediterranean FSU Caucasia
Q4 How should the NRENs transfer their experience and/or expertise to other communities? Might include schools, libraries, musea, research hospitals, healthcare systems, local govt, SMEs
Q5 Can (should) we recommend a minimum/average/acceptable level of service for each European researcher?