Human Geography of Mexico History and Government Regional distinctions from Maya, Aztec, and nomadic people developed Mexican cultures seen today. In 1821 Mexico became the first Spanish territory to win its independence. The current Mexican government is a federal republic with power divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Over the past few decades, drug cartels have come to control different regions of Mexico, leading to internal warfare.
Human Geography of Mexico Population Patterns The Spanish used Catholic missions to spread Christian ideas and to expand communities in Mexico. Spanish landowners took advantage of indigenous communities, paying them little to work on their estates, known as haciendas. Rural-to-urban migration over time has greatly altered Mexico’s population distribution; today 78 percent of Mexican citizens live in urban areas. Mexico City is the political capital of Mexico, as well as the cultural and economic center of Mexico.
Human Geography of Mexico Society and Culture Today Mexican culture values family with many Mexican homes holding three to four generations. In Mexico, men dominate while women's primary obligation is the family. Mexico's arts are influenced by both the indigenous cultures of their ancient history and the new Spanish cultures. Murals are an important art form in Mexico with Diego Rivera being one of Mexico's most famous muralists.
Human Geography of Mexico Economic Activities Mexico has a higher standard of living than many Latin American countries, yet industry, transportation, and communication remain challenges. Mexico, the United States, and Canada signed NAFTA in 1992, improving Mexico's economy, yet keeping it reliant on foreign countries. The illegal drug trade remains an influential part of the Mexican economy.