Television Viewing Preferences & Online Synergy Males 18-34 August 2010
TV & Online Synergy There is little doubt that Canadians are spending more time than ever online, however contrary to some reports online is having little effect on TV viewing In fact, the results of this study indicate that 40-50% of people surveyed under the age of 55 use the Internet while simultaneously watching Television, and, they pay attention to both alternatively Rather than taking away from time spent with Television, people are using both TV and the Internet at the same time While viewers have several options available to choose from, they overwhelmingly choose to watch TV on a TV set in the comfort of their home as opposed to a computer or mobile device screen
TV & Online Synergy In addition, there is a symbiotic relationship for advertisers More than half of those surveyed under the age of 55 have gone online based on something they saw in a television commercial Of those people, most researched the product or service or requested information, but a significant proportion go on to make an online purchase This result highlights the unique role that Television and the Internet each have in the “purchase funnel”
TV & Online Synergy Television at the top of the purchase funnel provides a very immersive environment which enables advertisers to create a need state among customers/viewers (see Innerscope Media Effectiveness Study) The Internet further down the purchase funnel provides advertisers with a very flexible environment which enables them to provide customers with the additional information they require before making a purchase, or in some cases facilitates the purchase
Time Spent with Television vs. the Internet Source: TV - BBM Canada 2009/10 Broadcast Year measured by PPM; Internet – comScore measured by Media Metrix January 2010 (3-month average)
Time Spent with Television by Internet Group Internet use has little effect on time spent with Television Source: BBM Analytics RTS Spring 2010; Base P12+ Note: RTS is a self-report survey in which weekly time spent with Television is generally reported a level lower than what is actually measured by PPM.
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. Thinking about watching your favourite TV programs, where would you rather watch them? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Q. How would you most prefer to watch TV programs? Males 18-34 % Q. How would you most prefer to watch TV programs? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. Could watching your favourite TV programs on a computer or mobile device replace watching them on your home TV as your PREFERRED method of watching television? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. In the past week have you watched TV and used the internet at the same time? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. While you were watching TV and using the internet at the same time, were you paying attention to both? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. Did you pay more attention to the Television or the Internet, or did you switch back and forth? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. Have you ever gone online and searched for information or a website based on something you saw in a television commercial? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010
Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010 Males 18-34 % Q. When you went online and searched for information or a website based on something you saw in a television commercial, what did you do? Source: BBM Analytics omniVU August 2010