Status of Medipix Quads in Institute of Physics Prague Lukas Tomasek Institute of Physics ASCR Prague Medipix meeting, 31 Jan 2008
We just received first batch of 4 Medipix Quad assemblies from IZM: another 4 quads will follow soon...
Readout Chips – Medipix 2 MXR Our Quads: Readout Chips – Medipix 2 MXR Sensors – 300 micron thick Si (P on N) manufactured by ON Semiconductor (Roznov, Czech Rep.) standard squared and also hexagonal pixels
SnAg bumps and flip-chip by IZM (Berlin, Germany)
No testing with assemblies done yet (except x-ray scan at IZM)=> To do next: attachment+wirebonding to a standard quad pcb (Nikhef?), verification the basic functionality is ok (sensor, readout, bumps), some more detailed comparison between the pixel variations; -> input for the next iteration of sensor design and parameters.