Work Package 2 Mutual Learning WP Leader: APRE, IT
WP2: Objectives To transfer knowledge and experience on the day-to-day activities of NCPs To offer one-on-one support and opportunity for exchange of best practices at a more detailed level than it would be possible through other trainings and workshops. To improve and professionalise level of NCPs
WP2: 5 TASKS Task 2.1. Bilateral visits Task 2.2. NCP training Task 2.3. Network meetings Task 2.4. Welcoming package Task 2.5. Benchmarking: mapping NCP experience and NCP needs
Work Package 2 – Mutual Learning Task 2.1 Bilateral visits Eleana Gabriel Research Promotion Foundation (CY)
Task 2.1 Bilateral visits Task Leader: RPF, CY (Eleana Gabriel) Task support: AMEUP, HR (Marina Pražetina) Open to all Science with and for Society NCPs (members of the Consortium and Associated Partners) Expected no. of visits: 18 Expected duration: min 1,5 day Expected benefits: exchange of best practices and capacity building
Eleana sent the invitation Eleana sent the invitation. First time nobody answered, so she sent a reminder Task 2.1 Bilateral visits Step 1: Invitation to submit proposals by cut – off dates Step 2: Each pair of NCPs (host and visitor) submits a proposal to the Task Force (RPF &HR) Only Israel requested for pluri-lateral visit Host NCP: Smadar Hirsh, ISERD Visiting NCPs: Pascale Van Dinter, BELSPO/STIS - Belgian Science Policy Office Denise Erpen, Euresearch, Switzerland Denise Bartolo, Malta Council for Science and Technology Step 3: Evaluation of Proposals by Task Force (planned output & expected impact of the cooperation) Step 4: Task Leader informs applicants on the selection results. Step 5: Bilateral visits followed by online communication
Task leader: APRE, IT Task support: AMEUP, HR and RPF, CY Task 2.2 NCP training Task leader: APRE, IT Task support: AMEUP, HR and RPF, CY
Task 2.2 NCP training Six trainings (M5, M8, M12, M 16, M25, M36) if possible combined with other projects meetings. groups of maximum 20 participants. A feedback form to assess the quality and the efficacy of the training sessions will be collected by Task Leader and Task support in order to improve the training quality. 4 trainings have already been organised (Edinburgh, Rome, Tallin and Prague The 5° will be held in May in Berlin and the 6° have not been planned yet
Task Leader: TC AV CR, CZ Task support: ETAg, EE and RANNIS, IS Task 2.3. Network meetings Task Leader: TC AV CR, CZ Task support: ETAg, EE and RANNIS, IS
Task 2.3. Network meetings The main objective of Task 2.3 is to create a regular meeting platform for the cooperation of NCPs and for the interaction between NCPs and the European Commission as well as with some important stakeholders. The second objective is to improve the understanding of Science with and for Society policy context for NCPs. Six network meetings, two meetings for each year of the project (M8, M14, M21, M25, M29, M36)
Task 2.4 Welcoming package Task Leader: MATIMOP-ISERD, IL Supporting Partner: FFG, AT
Task 2.4 Welcoming package The Welcome Package: Welcome letter to be sent to newcomers Information about available project activities Make available: all Training materials and sources of information
Task 2.5 Benchmarking: mapping NCP experience and NCP needs Task leader: MATIMOP-ISERD, IL Task support: APRE, IT and TC AV CR, CZ
Task 2.5 Benchmarking Purpose of the questionnaire and analasys of it: Identify the needs and expectations of NCPs for additional knowledge Couple newcomers/less experienced NCPs with more experienced NCPs
Task 2.5 Benchmarking Questionnaire Dissemination: During KoM and also to all formally nominated Science with and for Society NCPs not present at the meeting On Going throughout the lifetime of the project: Periodically via the mailig list