F-US roundtable Connected and autonomous vehicles : a State of Play


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Presentation transcript:

Connected vehicles : Policy update & use cases French and European Context F-US roundtable Connected and autonomous vehicles : a State of Play Washington, DC, January 8, 2017 Xavier Delache, Thibaut Limon, Eric Ollinger 1

Outline French ITS policy update : priorities and stakeholder’s dialogue State of play of pre-deployment projects SCOOP@F, InterCor, C-Roads France The C-Roads Platform Overview of use cases European policy and framework update EU strategy on C-ITS Other fora

ITS policy update in France (1/4) : priorities Main objectives (reminder) Safety Fluidity Climate change + Energy efficiency + Local pollution Cf. ITS4climate launched at COP21 : https://itsforclimate.org/en/ Data security and privacy Interoperability Cost-efficiency Innovation + Market uptake Government’s action as : Strategist Facilitator First mover on innovation

ITS policy update in France (2/4) : use cases A clear and common understanding of use cases is a key enabler for research, development, deployment, outreach Priority needs for use cases definition or specification : Description of services Functionnal architecture (who does (and validates) what ?) Data and information interoperability Presentation to end-users & Human-machine interface Levels of service (precision, timeliness, coverage,…) Identification of priority “ITS macro-services” (2014) Multimodal journey planner Road works warning Road hazardous notification Park and ride information Parking and delivery management Electric vehicle charging points

ITS policy update in France (3/4) : stakeholders dialogue Mobilité 3.0. Based on the Green Book for Smart Mobility (Oct.2015) 5-year Strategic Consultation Round coordinated by ATEC-ITS France, commissioned by DG for Transport and DG for Entreprises (Nov.2016) Working packages Access and exchange of data for multimodal information Intelligent urban logistics Inventory of local projects and projects’ labelling for climate impact Multimodal trafic management Transport and smart cities Integrated payment for urban services Sharing economy and ITS ITS statistics Business models

ITS policy update in France (4/4) : specific features for CVs and AVs Learning by doing and bottom-up approach, based on : Commonly understood use cases, prioritized according to their : Industrial (+ standardization) maturity Expected impacts (safety, fluidity, environment) Tests, experiments and pre-deployment Review of potential barriers and safeguards for deployment based on use cases and lessons learned Careful approach of public assets vs industrial property in specifications Policy highlights (“hot topics”) Connected vehicle : pilot projects ; standardisation ; potentials for hybridation (cf. Infra) Automated driving : Experiments + pre-regulatory safety assessemnt (cf. Infra) Connected and automated driving : Fair and proportionate access to in-vehicle data

C-ITS pilot projects (1/5) : SCOOP@F update SCOOP@F general objectives and features (reminder) pilot C-ITS deployment project including evaluation 3000 vehicles over 2000 km of connected roads 5 pilot sites covering different types of roads Consortium involving PSA, Renault, many road operators and local authorities, universities and research centers 50% grant from the European Commission 2 waves of deployment 1st wave (2014-2017) : priority services (safety-related) with ITS-G5 communications 2nd wave (2016-2018) : additional services (traffic and multimodal information) with hybrid cellular/ITS G5 communications

C-ITS pilot projects (2/5) : SCOOP@F update See dedicated website (in English) : www.scoop.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/en Scoop@F wave 1 Overall architecture ITSS-C : the SCOOP@F platform, connected with the road operator’s traffic management system ITSS-R : road-side units (RSU) ITSS-V : on-board units. 3 categories : Renault PSA For road operators (retrofitting) : with a RSU function A PKI-based security system Prototypes currently being tested (incl. open road testing) Scoop@F wave 2 Choice of the new services : done (see below) Specification of the overall architecture : in progress

C-ITS pilot projects (3/5) : C-Roads France 5 years (2016-2020) |14 beneficiaries |14.5 M€ New end-user services : Services in the urban environment and at the urban / interurban interface, with the objective to reach seamless continuity Traffic information services increasing comfort on transit stretches User-centric approach, including a C-ITS smartphone application supporting early I2V services Enhanced and extended test fields Supported by a hybrid technology (ITS G5/cellular)

C-ITS pilot projects (4/5) : InterCor 3 years (mid 2016 – mid 2019) | 16 beneficiaries | 30 M€ France : 10 beneficiaries | 8.2 M€ New services in the field of freight and logistics Large scale interoperable deployment of C-ITS through the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders, UK and France to achieve safer, more efficient and more convenient mobility of people and goods Extending the strategic cooperation between C-ITS front running countries and assisting other member states to step-in Fostering a hybrid communication approach based on the experience from France and the Netherlands Specific focus on security across borders

C-ITS pilot projects (5/5) : C-Roads platform Linking European C-ITS pilot deployment projects together Builds on the projects to develop commonly agreed specifications (communication profiles, security, etc.) to ensure cross- border interoperability Performs intensive cross-site testing Focusing on hybrid communication C-Roads France and InterCor are part of it 8 Member States currently involved : France, Germany, Austria, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders, Czech Republic, Slovenia Website : www.c-roads.eu

Overview of C-ITS use cases (1/5) Overall approach : Priority + selection based on : Expected impact / interest for public policies Safety (incl. road workers), fluidity, intermodality, environment Links with ITS directive (2010/40) use cases Maturity of services Partly “labelled” by existing or ongoing standardisation Expected business models for OEMs and service providers Technology neutrality Providing that technologies are used according to their maturity (ITS G5) Proportionate and sequential specification approach Use case description  functionnal specification  technical specification  development  deployment  evaluation

Overview of C-ITS use cases (2/5) : SCOOP@F wave 1 - priority use cases Specified and already developped : Data collection : position/speed/direction events detected ; events declared Road works warning: Planned road works, Slow moving maintenance, winter maintenance, Road operator vehicle approaching Rescue and recovery work in progress Hazardous location notification: Slippery road, bad visibility, extreme weather condition Animal on the road, human presence on the road, obstacle on the road, unmanaged blockage of the road Accident, emergency brake, stationary vehicle, end of queue

Overview of C-ITS use cases (3/5) : SCOOP@F wave 2 - new use cases (hybrid) F = to be described functionally S = to be specified technically D = to be specified and developped Domain Use case   Signage applications In-vehicle dynamic speed limit information S In-Vehicle Variable Message Signs D Hazardous location notification Winter serviceability F Wrong-way driving (I2V) Temporary lane blockage or closure Traffic information & smart routing Smart routing Smart POI Parking, Park & Ride, Multimodality Parking location and availability Next departure time for public transport 14

Overview of C-ITS use cases (4/5) : EU priority use cases (C-ITS report – 01/2016) 15

Overview of C-ITS use cases (5/5) : EU priority use cases (C-ITS report – 01/2016)

Use Cases functionnal description example : in-vehicle VMS (SCOOP@F wave 2)

Use Cases functionnal description example : in-vehicle VMS (SCOOP@F wave 2)

European policy and framework update (1/5) European Strategy on C-ITS, a milestone towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility (october 30th, 2016) Propose actions to ensure coordinated deployment of C-ITS services in 2019 Priorities for deployment of C-ITS services The ITS sector should implement C-ITS and ensure that at least the list of Day 1 C-ITS services is fully supported Support to deployment of Day 1 services through Connecting Europe Facility, European Structural and Investment Funds, European Fund for Strategic Investments Support to Research & Innovation for Day 1.5 and others through H2020 Security of C-ITS communications Development of a common security and certificate policy for deployment and operations of C-ITS in Europe (by 2017) Analyze of the role and responsibilities of the European C-ITS Trust Model and whether some operational functions and governance roles should be taken over by the EC

European policy and framework update (2/5) European Strategy on C-ITS (cont’d) Privacy and data protection safeguards Transparent terms & conditions to end-users, enabling them to give their consent for the processing of their personal data A guidance regarding data protection by design and by default will be published by 2018 C-ITS deployment initiatives should work to create the necessary trust among end-users and acchieve public acceptance Communication technologies and frequencies Hybrid communication EC maintain the designation of spectrum used by ETSI ITS-G5 Interoperability at all levels C-Roads platform as the coordination mechanism for C-ITS deployment at operational level

European policy and framework update (3/5) European Strategy on C-ITS (cont’d) Compliance assessment Development of a fully-fledged common compliance assessment process for all key elements to ensure the continuity of C-ITS services and take into account potential service extensions Legal framework EC will adopt a delegated act by 2018 on : Ensuring continuity of C-ITS services Laying down rules to ensure security of C-ITS communications Ensuring the practical implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in the area of C-ITS Ensuring a forward looking hybrid communication approach Laying down rules on interoperability Laying down rules on the compliance assessment processes

European policy and framework update (4/5) EU C-ITS platform to continue (phase 2) Security Compliance assessment Data protection and privacy C-ITS and automation Physical & digital road infrastructure Enhanced trafgfic management Road safety Public transport, C-ITS and automation in urban areas NB : extension of use cases towards : urban + public transport (sub-phase 1) Automation (sub-phase 2) Miscallaneaous : acceptability, business models, implementation Articulation with other fora Access to in-vehicle data : on going study GEAR 2030 (automotive indsutry) Telecommunication and automotives Roundtable on automated and connected driving

European policy and framework update (5/5) European Strategy towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility C-ITS Delegated act C-ITS Platform : Commonly agreed priority use cases Preparation and coordination of EU strategy implementation Gear2030 – WG2 : Shared vision on generic challenges for automation C-Roads Platform : Coordination of deployments, definition of common specifications, cross-site testing Automotive and Telecom Roundtable : feasability, value-added and challenges of connectivity (ITS G5, 4G, LTE V2X, 5G) for mature automation use cases National or cross-border C-ITS pilot projects (e.g. SCOOP@F ; InterCor) National or cross-border automation experiments

Connected vehicles : Policy update & use cases Questions ? Thank you Xavier Delache, Thibaut Limon, Eric Ollinger 24