Rainer Gessler, Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg NAMOREG – Improving mobility services Rainer Gessler, Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg Smart Mobility Forum 16th September 2016 – Republic of San Marino
Major challenges for future mobility Recent market situation and future scenarios: Environmental challenges: peak oil increasing urbanization climate change and increasing ecological damage Economic and technological challenges: growth and employment innovations in the fields of … vehicle construction storage technology renewable energies information and communication technology Societal challenges: increasing ecological awareness increasing mobility increasing individualisation Ongoing urbanisation / growing megacities: Worldwide, transport systems and infrastructures will face with major challenges during the coming decades. These are not only of an environmental nature, but also have an economic and societal dimension. Megatrends, such as increasing global warming, the finite nature of natural resources, the growth of our cities, as well as an increasing standard of living and the associated stronger demands imposed on mobility for people and goods, make a basic change in our mobility an absolute necessity. New technological developments (such as in the field of vehicle construction, storage technology, renewable energies and ICT) provide an important basis for this change and offer the chance for economic growth and employment. Nevertheless, they also represent a major challenge for a traditional automotive region such as Baden-Württemberg. In 2020, approximately 50 percent more passenger vehicles will be sold worldwide than are currently being sold. In relative terms, the proportion of passenger vehicles with a pure combustion engine should drop from today‘s figure of approximately 98% to around 67% in 2020. The share of pure battery electric vehicles could be approximately 5 percent by the year 2020. This diversification of drivetrain technologies, coming along with a growing role of energy as well as information and communication technologies, creates new business opportunities and brings new industry players into the mobility sector. Traditional automotive producing regions have to face these challenges and need to find a strategy how to maintain economic growth and employment in this ongoing technology change.
LivingLab BWe mobil Show Case Region 2012-2016: The Living Lab BWe mobil is a key part of the regional roadmap to sustainable mobility. It is one of four National Showcase Regions for Electric Mobility in Germany. Key projects: Stuttgart Services Get eReady Electric Test Fleets by manufacturers such as Audi, Daimler, Porsche Charging Infrastructure in the Stuttgart Region RheinMobil (cross-border mobility) commercial fleets and traffic Images: Audi AG, Daimler AG, e-mobil BW/Studio KD Busch, SSB AG
Objectives of LivingLab BWe mobil Create visibility Bring vehicles on the road Transfer knowledge and experiences Intersectoral collaboration
LivingLab BWe mobil: Approach Four main topics characterise the LivingLab BWe mobil: intermodality internationalisation closeness to citizens closeness to relevant manufactures Facts and figures: more than 100 partners in 34 projects a total volume of more than € 110 million 2,000 electric vehicles in projects 1,000 charging points in the region of Stuttgart and the city of Karlsruhe development of sustainable mobility systems and viable business models
NAMOREG (Sustainable Mobile Stuttgart Region) Joint initiative of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Verband Region Stuttgart, City of Stuttgart Innovative and sustainable mobility concepts as a pilot model in the Stuttgart Region Key projects: Real-time information for public transport Electronic traffic information (EVA-BW) Navigar (transmission of traffic recommendations) Park + Ride – Component for an intermodal mobility system Connected E-Bike-Mobility (NETZ-E-2-R)
Real-time information for public transport Network-wide supply of real-time information for public transport Across the entire network, passengers can get real-time information for public transport (~1.500 buses, trains) In the event of disruption, passengers can always access information on the best route using all modes of transport
Electronic traffic information (EVA-BW) Electronic traffic information for buses, trains and cars (private as well as public) Best mode of transport is shown based on the current traffic situation
NAVIGAR transmission of traffic recommendations Sustainable traffic control and transmission of traffic recommendations Interconnecting municipal traffic management and satellite navigation systems from private providers
Park + Ride – Component for an intermodal mobility system Project supports a transition from cars to public transport Intermodal information on Park-and-Ride facilities and real-time information on availability of parking spaces „polyGo“-mobilty-card can be used for booking and paying for this service
Connected E-Bike-Mobility (NETZ-E-2-R) Construction of 14 e-bike stations at train stations in 13 municipalities Each station has space for 10 rental pedelecs as well as spaces to park privately owned e-bikes Full scale, these can be run as energy self-sufficient systems (photovoltaic unit, store) E-bikes can be hired round the clock and all year round in a fully automated process using the polygo card
Objective Individual interconnected mobility to supplement public transport Environmentally friendly alternative to cars for the “last mile” (reasonably priced night-time rate for commuters) Interconnectedness of the stations to raise attractiveness for day trippers, i.e. the bikes can also be returned to a different station.
Overview: 14 E-Bike-Stations
(different types of stations/rental pedelec) Developments (different types of stations/rental pedelec)
Results: 14 E-Bike-Stations available with 135 pedelecs, 135 parking spaces for private e-bikes
Thank you ! ttgart Rainer Gessler Referat 52 Ministry of Transport www.vm.baden-wuerttemberg.de