Approaches AQA A level Origins of psychology slide 2 Learning approach slide 6 Cognitive approach slide 14 Biological approach slide 20 Psychodynamic approach slide 26 Humanistic psychology slide 36 © 2016 Psychbug
Social learning Theory (SLT) Bandura agreed with the behaviourists that behaviour is learnt through experience however he proposed a different mechanism than conditioning. He argued that we learn through observation and imitation of others’ behaviour. Therefore this theory focuses not only on the behaviour itself but also on the mental processes involved in learning so it is not a pure behaviourist theory. Imitation is more likely to occur if the model (the person who performs the behaviour) is positively reinforced. This is called vicarious reinforcement. Imitation is more likely to occur if we identify with the model. We see them as sharing some characteristics with us i.e. similar age, gender, social status.
Stages of SLT Attention Retention Reproduction Motivation the individual needs to pay attention to the behaviour and its consequences. Attention The individual stores the observed behaviour in LTM where it can stay for a long period of time. Imitation is not always immediate. Retention The individual must be able (have the ability and skills) to reproduce the observed behaviour. Reproduction The individual must expect to receive the same positive reinforcements for imitating the observed behaviour that they have seen the model receiving. Motivation
Evaluation of SLT It has experimental support: The Bobo doll experiment shows that children are more likely to imitate models who are rewarded for their behaviour (vicarious reinforcement). It does not take into account the influence of biological factors on behaviour i.e. the levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Most of the support for SLT comes from laboratory experiments which is a strength as they are well controlled. However the results might be influenced by demand characteristics. The artificiality of the talks and the environment may not reflect the way people learn in everyday life. It can be used to explain cultural differences in behaviour. It is a more complete explanation of human behaviour than conditioning as it takes into account cognitive factors in learning. However it does not take into account free will and moral values. It can be used to explain the influence of media on behaviour.