Learning is when you learn something…? Psychology: Learning Learning is when you learn something…? AP Psychology: Unit VI
Learning: Observational Learning Part ONE Monkey see, monkey do…
Learning: Observational Learning Learning a new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior Involves being conditioned indirectly by virtue of observing others Begins very early in life Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Examines the impact of a model on its subjects
Learning: Observational Learning Mirror Neurons Frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing another doing so The brain’s mirroring of another’s action may enable imitation, language learning and empathy Aid in observational learning http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/mirror-neurons.html
Learning: Observational Learning Bobo Doll Study (Albert Bandura, 1961) Indicated that individuals (children) learn through the imitation of others who receive rewards and punishments Children watched an adult model show aggressive behavior toward a Bobo doll Three experimental conditions The model was praised The model was punished The model received no consequences for the aggressive behavior Results?
Learning: Observational Learning Four Basic Processes in O.L. Attention Must pay attention to a model’s behavior & its consequences Retention Must store a mental representation Reproduction Must convert stored mental image into overt behavior Not always an easy task Motivation Must believe that behavior is likely to pay off