Shadow and Light Luminous Cows! MOO!
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Shadow and Light Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Main activities promoting knowledge Pre school Teaching light (shadows) Motivate-stimulus “ Chasing shadows” Main activities promoting knowledge Projector Allegory Feedback Evaluation Observation Questions/challenges
Pre school Shadow and Light Pre school, at school, outdoors Expected outcome Basic Topics Activities Teaching material Teacher competencies Get the children to know and become aware of the concept light and shadow Science light Shadow colors Mathematics shapes Sizes Show different objects and colors with light to make shadow. Observe shadows in the yard at school. Chasing shadows. Disc of Newton. Projector Paper Disc Color pencils Scissors Glue flashlight Color paper Objects Informed in topics Facilitator Organizer Coordinator
Primary School Shadow and Light Primary School, at school, outdoors Expected outcome Basic Topics Activities Teaching material Teacher competencies That the children become familiar with the Allegory of the Cave. Develop oral language skills. Identify familiar shapes. Understand basic concepts of light and shadows. Science light Shadow colors Mathematics shapes Sizes History Plato’s work. Constructivist Approach. Discovery learning. Watch the video of the Allegory of the Cave.(AofC) Discuss video in groups. Children share reflections with rest of class. Children reenact the AofC using light and shadow. Discussion on light and shadow. Video of AofC. Laptop and projector. 4 torches. Objects: pen, tennis racket, bottle, scissor, doll, etc. Facilitator Organizer Coordinator Good questioning skills. Differentiate tasks to children of different ability.
Secondary school Lesson plan: 2 lessons Physics History / Social aspect
Secondary school Physics lesson Theory Experiment Discussion
Secondary school History / social lesson Theory / video Discussion
Secondary school Shadow and Light Secondary school, at school, Expected outcome Basic Topics Activities Teaching material Teacher competencies That the children become familiar with the Allegory of the Cave. Knowledge about light (reflection, seeing, transportation) Social aspect discussion Science light Shadow seeing Social Light Ego Identity Knowledge Metaphore Theory physics Experiments Discussion Theory Plato Social discussion Video of AofC. Laptop and projector. Torches. Objects Mirror Something for blocking light Facilitator Organizer Coordinator Good questioning skills. Differentiate tasks to children of different ability.