How did the environment and geography affect the lives of the Native Americans?
Ate reindeer & sea animals THE ARCTIC Homes were Igloos, made of ice blocks Lived in Alaska & Northern Canada Ate reindeer & sea animals Wore furs and feathers
THE SOUTHWEST Anazasi Ate “3 sisters”: corn, beans, & squash Lived in adobe houses, hogans or cliff dwellings 4 Corners Region of US Also ate rabbit & deer
THE NORTHWEST COAST Lived in WA, OR, & Northern CA Lived in plank houses Wore plants, animal skin, natural fibers, etc. Ate fish, especially salmon, and water fowl
THE GREAT PLAINS Lived in tepees Lived on the Great Plains * Hunted buffalo, deer, antelope * Grew corn squash and beans Wore hides, etc.
THE GREAT BASIN Ate nuts, seeds, and small game Made temporary houses called Hogans or wikiups
THE NORTHEASTEN WOODLANDS Eastern Woodlands Indians Ate beans, corn, squash and small game Lived in “Longhouses”
THE SOUTHEAST Lived in “Raised houses” and “Longhouses” * Ate corn and squash * Grew tobacco
USI.3B Pass out chart! “Indian Lake” (6)