Takao Onoye, Osaka University 2013-2014 Region 10 Treasurer R10 Budget for Year 2014 Takao Onoye, Osaka University 2013-2014 Region 10 Treasurer 1st-2nd March, 2014 Hilton Kuching Hotel, Malaysia
Budget for Year 2014 - Summary
2014 - Basic Resource for The Year
2014 – Expenditure and To Reserve for The Year
Some comments from Treasurer TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT R10 only covers LOWEST discounted economy airfare for volunteers’ travel No personal insurance covered by R10 due to “Volunteer Global Travel Accident Medical Plan” http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/services/global_travel.html Many of DELAYED report. Pls submit within ONE MONTH after an event GRANT/PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT must be claimed with: activity report finance/expense report* all receipts** open call to all section for activities co-funding with section Pls ensure the consistency b/w (*) & (**)
Additional comment Based on the recommendation of our internal audit committee, we start more detailed analysis of expenditures, i.e. per volunteer, per section, etc. Please describe your membership# or OU-Code when submitting a reimbursement request 18th January, 2014
Thank you for your attention Takao Onoye r10-treasurer@ieee.org