Classroom Management 66666666666666666666666666 Shirley Vines
Classroom Management Effective teaching requires skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day. Classroom management skills are central to teaching and require “common sense”, consistency, a sense of fairness, and courage.
Be Willing To Learn The skills associated with effective classroom management are only acquired with: practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
Give It Time Classroom management and management of student conduct are skills acquired and honed over time. These skills almost never “jell” until after a year or more of teaching experience.
Four Fundamentals Set reasonable boundaries. Show and tell your students what you want. When you get what you want acknowledge it. Avoid win/lose confrontations.
Essence of Classroom Culture Make your students feel welcome. Respect your students. Set them up for success. Don’t prejudge. Create a calm, predictable environment for learning.