The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution
Thomas Hobbes Believed humans were wicked & selfish and Life was “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish & short” wrote Leviathan Social Contract: people gave up rights for strong rulers in return, they received order & law believed Absolute Monarchy was best Gov’t England
John Locke Exact opposite of Hobbes Believed that people had the ability to govern themselves Favored self government Each person was born with “Natural” rights: life, liberty & property Government was to protect those rights - if gov’t failed, the people could overthrow it Two Treatises on Government England
Voltaire Most famous of the Philosophes “I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it”. attacked the clergy, government, & aristocracy Wrote over 70 plays/books/poems - satirical novella Candide France
Rousseau Wrote: Social Contract “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” civilization corrupted man’s natural goodness civilized man destroyed people’s freedom with unjust laws Wrote: Social Contract was an agreement among free individuals to create a society and gov’t ALL people were equal titles of nobility should be abolished Rousseau Switzerland
Cesare Beccaria Laws were to preserve social order, not avenge crimes Against torture & cruel or usual punishments For speedy trials punishment should fit crime abolish capital punishment gov’t should seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people On Crimes and Punishment Cesare Beccaria Italy
Baron de Montesquieu France Believed England’s Gov’t was best. Wrote: On the Spirit of Laws Power was divided among different parts of their gov’t: Separation of Powers by branch: executive power, legislative power, judicial power Checks & Balances: “Power should be a check to power” France
Enlightened Women Mary Wollstonecraft Wrote - A Vindication of the Rights of Women believed women should have same rights as men England
Thomas Jefferson - Virginia Wrote – The Declaration of Independence All men are created equal Inalienable rights – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Gov’t. should be the servant to the people not the master
Scientific Revolution
Nicolaus Copernicus Developed the Heliocentric Theory or Sun-Centered Universe Wrote- On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies His theories challenged the Church’s view of the Earth-centered universe Poland
Johannes Kepler “Cosmographic Mystery” Mathematician/ astronomer Orbits are Elliptical in shape Mathematically proved Copernicus’ ideas were correct Germany “Cosmographic Mystery”
Galileo - Italy
Galileo Galilei Came into conflict with Church over his work Stood trial at an inquisition in Rome, under threat of torture recanted his work. Improved the telescope Wrote- The Starry Messenger Discovered Jupiter had 4 moons Agreed with Copernicus Law of falling objects
Francis Bacon Rene Descartes “Founders of the Scientific Method England Novum Organum France Discourse on the Method
Sir Isaac Newton - England Concluded that all objects were affected by the same forces wrote: Mathematical Principals of Natural Philosophy physical laws of motion Theories of gravity
Anders Celsius. Gabriel Fahrenheit Sweden Anders Celsius Gabriel Fahrenheit Sweden Poland/Netherlands Observations on Determining Philosophical Transactions the Shape of the Earth of the Royal Society
Robert Boyle Ireland The Sceptical Chymist Father of modern Chemistry Boyle’s Law – The absolute pressure exerted by a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to the volume it occupies if the temperature and amount of gas remain unchanged within a closed system
Andreas Vesalius Belgium Founder of Modern Human Anatomy Detailed research on skeletal, muscular and circulatory systems On the Fabric of the Human Body