RESPECT LIFE! Thou shalt not kill.
See Matthew 22: 36-40 Love and life are related Love leads to fullness of life Love is shown by CHERISHING life
Sins against LIFE Anger (when acted upon) Scandal (gossip) Abortion Suicide Euthanasia Violence and war Capital punishment
See Jeremiah 1:5 Abortion: The killing of a developing baby before birth The baby has the right to life, the right to know, love and serve God as a human being in the world. Since a baby can’t defend or protect himself, we must protect his or her right to life.
Pro-Life Video 2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law (Catholic Catechism)
Suicide: The deliberate taking of one’s own life God can provide that person with an opportunity for repentance The Church prays for people who have taken their own lives
Euthanasia Also called “mercy killing” Direct intervention to end life for the purpose of ending human suffering. It causes a person to die before he or she would die naturally.
Violence and War The just war theory All citizens and governments must work to avoid war Sometimes force must be used to obtain justice
Conditions to allow force The damage inflicted by the aggressor must be lasting, grave, and certain All other means must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective There must be serious prospects of success The use of arms must not produce evils or disorders graver than the evils to be eliminated.
Capital Punishment Many European nations have abolished capital punishment The American bishops have campaigned since 2005 to end the death penalty