POPULATION - 39 million TOTAL AREA - 312.7 thousand square km R&D PERSONNEL - 79 thousand UNIVERSITY GRADUATES - 261 thousand
Current domestic expenditure on R&D by type of research (%)
GDP growth (% - previous year 100%)
GDP per capita (in USD PPP) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 GDP per capita (in USD PPP)
Number of University Students (in thousands)
Researchers per 10 000 labour force
R&D expenditure of foreign affilliates and national firms as a % of domestic product of industry
The population aged 25 - 64 by university level education (as % of total)
Financing of expenditure on R&D (as % of GDP)
Internet hosts per 1000 inhabitants
R&D expenditure as a % GDP
Number of mobile phones Number of standard phones Number of customers of telephone networks in Poland in 2001 (in million)