honors World history 9 michole mattix mattixm@edmonds.wednet.edu 2016-2017
Honors World History 9 Semester long course Honors designation: District requires 3.5 years of Social Studies Honors designation: Prepare students for future AP (Advanced Placement) classes Opportunity to earn college credit Faster pace and more rigorous Skills and content for AP classes World History from 1400’s-1650’s Renaissance Reformation Scientific Revolution Global Contact/Exploration CBA (Curriculum Based Assessment) Research paper on Technology Through the Ages In class, 60-70%; will require some homework Turn in online (to turnitin.com) Right after 1st quarter (November)
Classroom Learning Target Due Dates/Test Dates What we will learn and how we will learn it Due Dates/Test Dates No excuses (on the whiteboard) Absentee Clipboard and Basket Taking responsibility Turn in basket by my desk Books – classroom, checked out (at home)
How to help your child succeed My availability: PASS (Wednesdays, Thursdays, & most Fridays); before school 7-7:20; 2nd lunch Study Hawks: Library after school, with computer access and peer tutors 2-4; Bus leaves shortly after Get Organized: Planner or weekly homework/assignment sheet Use Binder or Folders Keep assignments for all units/Comprehensive Final at end of semester Links and Documents on my Website Not all assignments, but CBA materials and links! Check Skyward I update it every two weeks or sooner (CBAs take longer to grade) Late/make up is updated every two weeks (grade folder then) If you want to know if they turned it in, yet not graded yet, email me
homework Textbook notes: CBA will require some homework time Cornell style (help create a system) Due weekly (usually Wednesdays); always on board Quiz when due I suggest do one page a night (otherwise night before is a long one) I teach to supplement the material they are reading, for deeper understanding CBA will require some homework time Can also expect on average 3 nights a week of homework outside the textbook notes Usually reading and writing in nature Sometimes more complex then other times Range from 20-40 minutes Encourage using PASS time to do homework Will have homework over Thanksgiving & Winter break (Spring Break for 2nd semester)
Grading Based on 5 areas Grading Scale Daily assignments and Participation is 25% of overall grade Homework (Cornell textbook notes) and flashcards 20% of overall grade I grade half each time (randomly); turn in equals a check off Late only can get half credit Quizzes (from textbook notes) 10% of overall grade Essay and Essay work (DBQs, CBA, Debates) 10% of overall grade Unit Tests (includes comprehensive final) are 35% of overall grade Grading Scale 100-93% A; 92-90% A- 89-88% B+; 87-83% B; 82-80% B- 79-78 C+; 77-73% C; 72-70% C- 69-68% D+; 67-60% D 59% and lower is F
Contact I am part time, leave at 12:55 Email is the best: mattixm@edmonds.wednet.edu Goal to respond to emails in 24 hours; check them during my working hours Website is to supplement Try to update regularly Also trying to implement and intergrate Canvas this year
About me Local Graduated from Lynnwood High School Live in Edmonds BA in Psychology at Western Washington University; Masters in Teaching from Grand Canyon University Started teaching here in 1994 (strictly freshmen since 2009) Involvement: Girls Basketball Coach 1994-1999 Varsity; 2008-2009 JV Boys Basketball Academic Advisor 2013-present Peer Mediator Advisor 2003-present Class of 2017 Co-Advisor Family & Hobbies: Married since 1994 with 2 kids – 10th grade daughter and 7th grade son Enjoy walking my dog, yoga, photography and watching my kids in their activities/sports