In-situ Data and obs4MIPs Opportunities and Challenges Jim Biard
Background The obs4MIPs goal Make observational products more accessible for climate model intercomparisons Initial focus on observed variables that are near-exact matches to model variables Measurement type is found in list of requested CMIP5 model variables Has standard CMIP5 frequency, grid, pressure levels, etc
Current Situation obs4MIPs submissions (from obs4MIPs master list): >10 different institutions 43 complete (6 from NCEI-Asheville) 103 in work (6 from NCEI-Asheville) Initial set primarily satellite retrievals In-situ data becoming more prominent among newer proposed submissions
Where to next? Bringing more observational data sets into the ESGF/obs4MIPs system opens up new opportunities for innovative science Such an effort can help foster the goal of greater interaction between the modeling, observation, and re-analysis communities There are a number of challenges to be faced as we move forward
Examples from NCEI NCEI holdings include numerous observational datasets that are valuable for climate change research Not all of them are easy to fit into the current obs4MIPs framework Two examples: GridSat-B1 GHCN-M Station Data
GridSat-B1 Gridded Satellite Data from ISCCP B1 Infrared Channel Brightness Temperature Regular lat/lon grid with 0.25° monthly resolution (0.07° 3-hourly resolution available) The brightness temperature measurement is not a “requested” variable, although modelers are interested in using it Requires an addition to the standard output table
GridSat-B1 Questions How should observations be handled that aren’t in the standard output tables? How should observations be handled that aren’t directly connected to model variables? Do data sets with significantly different spatial resolutions pose a problem? How to update ongoing data sets?
GHCN-M Station Data Global Historical Climate Network - Monthly Station Data Corrected and uncorrected observations of monthly mean, max, and min temperatures from 1701 to present for 7280 unique stations Number of stations varies from year to year Requires extensive accompanying metadata for the observations to be interpreted properly
GHCN-M Station Data Further details regarding station data Collections of individual point measurements Positions may change over time Instrument, method, and quality at a location changes over time Environment of location changes over time Capturing this information requires auxiliary data (metadata) that may change slowly
GHCN-M Station Data Questions Should station data be included in obs4MIPs? What file form/structure should be used for station data? Should support for intercomparison of station data with grids be provided?
Possible Solutions How should observations be handled that aren’t in the standard output tables? Don’t allow them Case-by-case basis handling by the obs4MIPs team Producer-driven additions to the tables Community-driven model (e.g. CF standard names)
Possible Solutions How should observations be handled that aren’t directly connected to model variables? Leave this to be resolved by consumers Require/provide “forward transform” modules to produce observation estimates from model outputs
Possible Solutions Do data sets with significantly different spatial resolutions pose a problem? (Storage issues?) Leave this to be resolved by consumers Provide or require regridder modules
Possible Solutions Should support for intercomparison of station data with grids be provided? Provide/require station-to-grid and/or grid-to-station transform modules
Possible Solutions What file form/structure should be used for station data? netCDF Climate & Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions have station and trajectory data forms No widespread consensus on how to store the metadata, but efforts are underway The CF community is open to influence
LAI CDR Leaf Area Index Climate Data Record Regular lat/lon grid with 0.05° daily resolution Current period of record will consume ~70 GB (with netCDF-4 compression) Incomplete coverage due to clouds, etc Needs to be accompanied by its QA flags variable (flags for clouds, surface type, etc) for the observations to be interpreted properly
LAI CDR Questions Do data sets with significantly different spatial resolutions pose a problem? Do higher volume data sets pose a problem? How well will missing data be handled? How can needed auxiliary variables be included? The data set is in ongoing production for the foreseeable future. How should updates be handled?
Possible solutions Broaden the obs4MIPs auxiliary data rules to allow data beyond number of observations, standard deviation, and standard error
Possible solutions How to update ongoing data sets? Each file but the first and last should contain the same number of time intervals One approach is to keep extending the last file until it is full, then start a new file How should the metadata for the extended file be handled? (uuid, dates and versions, etc)