How does FDR try to fix the problems caused by Depression? The Second New Deal How does FDR try to fix the problems caused by Depression?
1936 Election First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt travels the country, tells FDR country still needs more reforms (esp for women & minorities) FDR wins in landslide, incl. 1st time majority of Af-Americans & unions back a Democrat
Second New Deal : Social Security ■ 1935: Social Security Act (SSA) starts Second New Deal 1) Old-Age Insurance: 65 Years+: employee & employer pay tax that goes into retirement plan 2) Unemployment Insurance: employees could draw from this if out of work due to layoffs
Second New Deal: Unemployment Relief Works Progress Administration (WPA), 1935 (replaces PWA) 1. $11 billion to build airports, roads & public buildings 2. Federal Arts Project gave work to writers & artists 3. NYA (National Youth Admin) for education & training for teens
Second New Deal: Labor Reform Supreme Court ruled NIRA unconstitutional, FDR creates: 1)Wagner Act, 1936 Creates NLRB (Natl. Labor Relations Board), regulates unfair business practices 2)Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938 44 hour work week, 25 cents/hr, minimum wage New rules for labor under 18
Discuss: What is cartoonist opinion of FDR’s court-packing plan? End of the New Deal? FDR upset Sup. Court struck down NIRA & AAA - tries to increase # on Sup. Court, to “pack court” with his nominees, Congress says “NO” need separation of powers By 1937, most Americans convinced GD was over Congress asks FDR to scale back/end some programs - when he does production drops, unemployment rises Discuss: What is cartoonist opinion of FDR’s court-packing plan?
End of the New Deal FDR tries to change rules for appointing new SC justices - abusing power sep. of powers? Congress did not grant request - accused of court packing [7 new judges during tenure]