How Shakespeare changed everything Target: write an argumentative paragraph that has a claim and counterclaim!
Do now… Write a list of how teenagers are the same and how teenagers are different from Romeo and Juliet times Discuss
Highlight the definition for counterclaim on page 382 Open to pages 382-387 Read #2 on page 382 Highlight the definition for counterclaim on page 382
During reading! There are 3 chunks in this nonfiction text. After each chunk, use a post-it note and summarize the chunk on the post-it. Define the purpose of each chunk. Answer all the questions on the sides of each page – Key Ideas and Details
Chart on page 386 Complete the chart on page 386 1st column: Summary of each chunk 2nd column: CLAIM/Reasons and Evidence to support claim for each chunk 3rd column: Concession/Refutation for each chunk
Writing Prompt ON PAGE 387 Write a paragraph arguing AGAINST the author of this article (Stephen Marche) State your OWN claim and respond to Stephen Marche’s ideas with YOUR OWN reasons and evidence (this will come from the 3rd column of your graphic organizer on page 386) Be sure to have: A TOPIC SENTENCE TRANSITIONS PROPERLY CITED TEXTUAL EVIDENCE RESPOND TO THE AUTHOR, USING ETHOS, PATHOS, AND/OR LOGOS